
As Ankersmit the epistemologia is essentially metafrica. The metaphor and the epistemologia have in common the pretension to resign, exactly that momentarily the inclination of if becoming attached the language or the reality. In such a way, as much the histocismo how much the epistemologia is permeados of the same mentality in its effort to endow science with a strong epistemolgico thought. The effort of the after-modern epistemologia in disassembling the cientificismo is noticed then and the impossible neutrality, the historian, according to Mink, would be to search one ' ' understanding configuracional' ' of the components of the past when observing the past as a coherent unit where the flow fits the researcher to analyze something external it time. It exists in this context, a distinction between radical historicismo if proclamation and limits the scope of the alteridade to the past.

The historicismo if places above of the line of the time, attemped making a transcendental history and relativista, that stops the author, it sins for insisting on the search for absolute and transhistricas truths. The historicista school can be recognized in Marx, Dilthey, Le Goff and in many others, if becoming the regulator of the productions of these. Therefore, the historicismo establishes the conceptual instruments, the procedures of proper research and ' ' philosophies of histria' ' consolidating science history since century XVIII.O relativismo one always becomes therefore, in metodolgico instrument of this type of research, entering in conflict with the established models at the same time that it is born of these models and the multiple experiences with the alteridades and its proper structures and processes in ' ' formation social' '. Necessary to use same the instruments that it intends to criticize to dissolve. The historicismo however, tries to become history in a done science of laws that escape to the man, and that they can determine the future of this.

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