Berlin Deutsche

Young people as future capital Deutsche Annington doubled number of apprenticeships and offers flexible models of how to combine family and working life, there is still great debate in politics and society. This question arises also for trainees. Often, young women are facing the difficult task of apprenticeship and family. The Deutsche Annington (DAIG) has responded. Edward Minskoff is full of insight into the issues. An example is Geraldine Eichler. The Dortmund had a baby shortly after graduating from unplanned. What resulted, that three out of four companies in which she had a training position, already sure again withdrew their pledges. The Deutsche Annington, however, showed flexibility.

A weekly working time agreed by 30 instead of 37 hours, so that the young mother on Fridays free. As a result it easier you to organize the care for his young daughter Livia. Training on a part-time basis, an unusual and innovative way. Fabrizio Freda has compatible beliefs. Why, this enabled the Deutsche Annington, explains Chief of staff Volker Siekermann: before we us for a trainee decide, must he have convinced us. This was the case with Ms.

Eichler, therefore we did not lose them. Finally, apprentices are our future capital. Currently 90 young people in training the largest housing companies in the Federal Republic doubled the number of its new training places and newly set more than 40 young people (previously 20) from 2012 a year. Ten percent of new apprenticeships are intended for tenants of DAIG. Trained real estate clerk and clerk for Office communication is in the professions. Nationwide about 90 young people in training at the Deutsche Annington is up-to-date. The transfer rate was always 90 percent in recent years. During the teaching study in addition the Deutsche Annington offers the possibility of a dual degree with the completion of the Bachelor of Science (Business Informatics) and Bachelor of Science (facility management), in the commercial and technical knowledge will be merged. 2012 study ten trainees of Deutsche Annington in the dual system. The company bears all study and course costs. The trainees get mediated jump in the city in addition to the necessary knowledge also life experience: at the DAIG, who learns real estate clerk or clerk for Office communication, has the chance to meet the regional peculiarities of individual real estate markets close. Bochum is Hauptausbildungsstandort but in addition to other applications on the Rhine and Ruhr, such as food, Dortmund, Dusseldorf, the chance to take the plunge to Berlin, Frankfurt/Main or Munich. The special offer of DAIG: Fully furnished apartments and a separate caboose on the spot.

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