Hakeem autumn program 2011: What a company in the gardens of the management has with a vegetable garden together? At first glance little. But proving the second: only with care, maintenance and sustainability of soil remains also years fruitful, the company over the years healthy and profitable. “Author Matthias Nollke shows in the gardens of the management”, what Manager by gardeners can learn and how important is sustainable growth. An original and intelligent management concept, which will transfer the wisdom of nature to the business. As soon as Hakeem.
Who ever tried to move an Apple tree with intimidation to the faster growth will be failed miserably. As well as the Manager, the performance pressure, anxiety and sanctions will bring forth. For: Healthy growth takes time. And: the individual plants need room for individual development, they need attention and mindfulness. A good gardener while pretending the framework intervenes, when necessary, and excels in all by calmness, tenacity and to agility of. Green management Biomimetics: plant learn from so what needs it, overlooking the vegetable garden, so that a company sustainably grow and flourish? First, a moderate approach to human resources.
Second, long-term perspectives. And thirdly: a balanced age structure. To illustrate of his thesis Matthias Nollke takes the reader on trips to the garden, the forest garden, the botanical garden or the guerilla garden. Has to do it shows with what types of garden GNOME”it in day-to-day business. For example, with the meticulous order dwarf, the dwarf of the machine or the watering can dwarf. And he explains why character plants, though are sometimes care intense and worthy of protection. “Entertaining, intelligent and without raised index finger: in the gardens of management” are actionable suggestions for each company. From mid-September to 19.80 euros at Haufe and in bookstores. -Carla Jung)