The youth culture influenced the culture of adults”! Trend and youth researchers say that we live in a society that is no longer growing in the classical sense. “” “” “Youth research, such as for example tfactory, talking even about an infantilization of society”: considering that the youth phase starts earlier and earlier and ends later, there are more and more people in our society, which more influenced by youth cultural styles are. “* also later in life, there are phases, which are not as adult or senior age, but as post adolescence”, rush hour “, second awakening” and UN retirement “referred to be * With similar attributes, you would have previously characterized adolescence. Against this background the demand for products and services that come from the youth culture or teen appear. “At best this becomes visible in the fashion: hardly a grandmother wants to dress up like her grandmother and many a mother buys in the same business as the daughter”, Ruhsam stressed. Also in the field of the automotive and consumer electronics industries play”products, which go down well with the youth an important role also in the adult world.
Sports car or Smartphone, consumers in different age groups are on products today, which convey the feeling to be part of a young generation. * Young people as a carrier of the value change. By Bernd Heinzlmaier. Lecture in the context of the 13 Shopping Center symposium by RegioPlan consulting, 12 May 2011 * lifestyles by 2020. A typology for society, consumption and marketing. By Oliver Dziemba, Benny Bock, Andreas Steinle, May 2007, Zukunftsinstitut RegioData Research collects and calculates as the market leader for over 20 years annually data on purchasing power in Austria and other European countries.
The information based on data from the purchasing power kennziffern RegioData expenditure 2008-2012. The RegioData Research GmbH. based in Vienna is a specialist in regional economic data in Europe. We supply trade, real estate and financing decision. Up-to-date, clear and secure! RegioData Research collects and calculated as market leader since 20 years data on purchasing power in Austria and other European countries. RegioData Research GmbH Theobaldgasse 8 / 14, A-1060 Vienna * Landshut Allee 8-10, D-80637 Munich, Germany