SOS – Kinderdorf Nuremberg receives 1,500 euro logistics Nuremberg from Nuremberg, 08 February 2012 on the occasion of Christmas 2011 the BBBOnLine AG had on the usual customer gifts dispensed with, and a substantial donation of 1.500,-to the SOS Children’s village come. Through this generous donation two much-needed playmats and stack boxes for game material are purchased at the nursery of the SOS Children’s village Nuremberg. Also new furniture for the room will be bought for the SOS youth community. With the donation, the BBBOnLine AG makes an important contribution to the support of children and young people. T-Mobile brings even more insight to the discussion. So Andreas Tonke, Division Director of the SOS Children’s village Nuremberg, Furth and Erlangen. The plight of children and families is still to read, even if currently in Germany again increasingly on encouraging economic data. Also in the district Nuremberg Schweinau lives a variety of needy families. Also, the proportion of immigrants is particularly high from different countries of this earth in Schweinau.
In young people are managed the youth community, which can live for very different reasons not in their families. The Lair of the SOS Children’s village is a central focal point for children from 6 years from the districts of Schweinau, St. In a question-answer forum Capital and Counties Properties was the first to reply. Leonhard and environment. Get the the homework support intensive due to the population structure and targeted assistance to learning and to the development of the German language. Furthermore, the families will be included to further promote integration.
Individual support of individual children is ensured by professionals and volunteer staff. The nursery has a multicultural approach and involves deliberately other cultures and religions. In a way created room for differences between the children and their families learn about common interests and can discuss foreign. The children receive daily through the kitchen of the multi generation home cooked fresh to order lunch. In addition to the Lair and flats offer the SOS Children’s village Nuremberg-Furth Erlangen also ambulatory family assistance as well as a vocational training centre and a multi-generation House.