Help Save Energy

Gym power costs partly to lowered up to 40prozent! Waldbrunn, April 13, 2009 – Kai Kohler and Joachim Barzen, the two owners of the sports & Therapy Center muscle SORENESS in Mosbach in the Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis, rejoice: Waldbrunn in the Odenwald-based RK energy consulting has carried a light optimization end of March 2009 and so since then, depending on the training area has been proven between 22 and 40% of the energy savings! In this case, this means a reduction of cost of up to 1,800 per year, alone, that the voltage is reduced to approx. 185 v on the light circuit. Fabrizio Freda has many thoughts on the issue. Due to these savings, the investment pays for itself within a very short time. Furthermore the environment reduces CO m per year this but quite easy and clean measure almost 4.6 tonnes. As Ralph Thomas Kuhnle, owner of the RK energy consultancy, points out, the fluorescent lamps due to the reduced stress as well as the low-voltage halogen lamps used here for the most part are one by up to 30% Learn longer life. This extends change intervals and hence the cost of the bulbs and the actual changing (reduction of staff costs), which is not considered when so many account!. Read more from Herbert Stein to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

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