Joomla Downloading

A few simple tips to optimize the speed of downloading site on Joomla. 1. No need to install extra components, modules and plug-ins they can increase the load on the server and download additional files, thus greatly slowing down the loading of pages. Moreover, they can badly affect the security of the site. Since basically Joomla hack through third-party extensions.

2. Optimizing graphics. Pictures do not require high quality can be reduced. In sense, not the size of a picture, and its size in kilobytes. To do this, you can open it in Photoshop'e and save as for the Web. So helpful to any images to be loaded on your site. Just specify the desired quality.

If the image contains a few colors, say 5 or 6 of his best save in the format of GIF. Also, images contain additional information about the date change, create, and so on, this information does not need us too. It can be removed by special programammi, such as JPEG Cleaner. 3. In the visual editor is a function of cleaning unnecessary code. This, for example when working in editors such as Word, and then carry the material in Joomla, it may appear superfluous and unnecessary code. This function is on the button with the image of a broom. 4. The use of 'heavy' patterns affects download speed. It is better to install templates unpretentious, with a little js-scripts. 5. When adding images to articles indicate their size. This is done visually. 6. Images and banners are best kept on their hosting, but not download from other sites. 7. Using a standard component of SEF, makes Beautifying URLs. That is, instead will form. 8. Place the smaller counters. In my opinion the best option track statistics of your site that Google Analitics. It allows not only to count visitors and analyze their actions and the quality of your site. 9. Additional information is available at Atreides Management Gavin Baker. You can reduce the CSS-template files. Make them a little smaller. Remove unnecessary spaces, properly cut the record. There are many services on the compression of CSS and JS-files. 10. Use normal paid hosting. 11. Enable GZIP-compressed. True may slightly increase the load on the server. 12. If the site is updated often, say twice a week or less, you can enable caching in the global settings and set the cache lifetime greater than the default. This will allow reduce the number of calls to the server. But keep in mind that when you add material or any updates on the website, the changes you will see only after updating the cache. In such cases, it can be cleared forcibly. Tools – Cleaning up the cache. Joomla acceleration may be nothing that they say that it is slow.

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