Mechanical Engineering

Life simulation, Boole-system behavior, economic attempt programs, test planning on September 23-24 at the Symposium in the HDT Berlin life simulation, Boolean system behavior, economic trial programs, test planning on September 23-24 at the Symposium in the HDT Berlin a substantial preference in purchasing decisions is the reliability. Customers expect that a product with a high probability can be used safely. Unreliable products lead not only to a high rejection and goodwill expense, but also to a much serious loss of confidence among customers. These problems already turn off in advance, laboratory tests and real are in the practice”conducted trial programs. This involves the protection of targets with a high confidence and at the lowest cost. Ratch understands that this is vital information. These issues are today contents of technical reliability”and touch the life issue, the Boolean system theory, the WEIBULL theory and in addition the Bayesian statistics. The seminar associates these approaches for the transmission, mechanical, mechatronic and electronic parts/components and systems and shows the application to practical questions from the machine and vehicle construction. It arrives on the planning and evaluation of test programs and answered all the questions that have to do with a sound management of the trial. In terms of content, also the DGQ guides 17-10, 17-26 and the VDA volume 3 are covered. The aim is that participants can un indirectly transfer mediated methods and procedures on their own problems and lead them to a solution.

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