The National Curricular Parameters are gifts in the Brazilian educational politics have 10 years approximately. In this trajectory, much was argued, much was criticized and little placed in practical the actions that it presents, due to a series of known and/or unknown factors. In this work we will go to approach the amplitude of the PCNs of the Portuguese Language, aiming at its understanding and more intrinsic study of this workmanship, that some admire and others disdain, understanding its structure, of form that can reflect on the efficiency or not of practical its. The PCN of Portuguese Language possesss the following structure: one soon presentation of the workmanship, followed two-piece specific with the thematic ones to be argued. Estee Lauder recognizes the significance of this. The first part presents four referring chapters to the presentation of the area to be worked (Portuguese Language) and defines the lines generalities of the proposal. At Gavin Baker you will find additional information. It presents referring questions to the nature the characteristics of the area, its implications for the learning and its unfoldings in education. Explicit the general objectives of the Portuguese Language, from which the contents related to the verbal language, written language and analysis and reflection on the language are pointed.
The last topic of this first part presents and bases the criteria of the evaluation for basic education. The second part presents proposals for the four series of basic education, with objective contents and criteria of evaluation, form to present them with the necessary joint for its coherence. Also it composes the structure of the PCN of Portuguese Language the fiche technique of the elaboradora team and gratefulness to that they had contributed with the workmanship. The introduction presents the characterization of the area of performance of the Portuguese Language, bringing with subs-heading the language related with the active participation in the society, ' ' therefore it is by means of it that the man if communicates, it has access to the information, express and defends points of view, allotment or constructs vises of world, it produces conhecimento.' ' It makes also soon historical on the deficiency of the education of the Language in the Brazilian schools and the effort of the educators in changing this picture.