New VideoPortal

HotelView.EU offers the opportunity to showcase your holiday home in the form of video hosts. The progress in the age of the Internet high speed connections in the area of multimedia continues purposefully. Digital photos are now nothing more. The future trend means however nowadays digital moving images in the form of videos. Internet portals such as YouTube have brought us Internet users with the realization of the technical requirement on the taste.

Not for nothing, such portals have become Visitor magnets. There are plenty of applications for video presentations in the Internet in the future with security. Hardly a medium is probably better suited to potential holiday guests in the mood to bring as a video, say a moving picture with sound, which thus depicts the reality as it really is. Unfortunately there is Yes, how many know beautifully retouched pictures of hotel facilities, which lead one to believe a perfect environment, but in fact is not the reality on the ground. Many guests have already lost confidence in pictures. That also in the tourism the “image” loses attention, prove more and more portals and destinations which present the respective presentations instead of simple images, but over short to medium-length videos in the Center. is one of the latest examples in Hotel video presentations. Here the way specializes in every hotel, every guest house, each pension forthright manner to present its guests.

HotelView.EU provides for those hosts, which have produced still no video, video creation for all budgets. What could be nicer for the potential guest, to sit back at home as his chosen region to seek out appropriate hotels and easy to install via video in a mood to let. A untermaltes from the host with music or nice commented video is better multiples, as a 100-fold gesehende image gallery. If you missed the trend so as host, will be exposed in the future greater competitive pressure. With safety! OWL Creek NetConsulting Raisa OWL Creek

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