
AUTVIEW – your partner for professional software development AUTsource-why IT OUTSOURCING? IT outsourcing is a complex task with the simple goal to minimize costs. The relocation of IT projects in low-income countries (IT offshore in more distant countries or IT nearshore in closer, regions) offers enormous savings potential at the staff, as well as in the IT infrastructure, application development and application maintenance, as well as the overheads. The external procurement of IT services can lead to a qualitative leap of IT in total. Intelligent, partial Outsourcing streamlines the IT portfolio and today the trend in this direction. The outsourcing must be at the core of your company’s strategic planning.

Outsourcing advantages can offer your company? Cost advantage: The reduction of cost is the most important motivation for outsourcing in addition to the availability of resources. The literature identified cost savings 40% in relation to the total project cost of 20. Strategic arguments: are smaller companies with a fluctuating Own resource needs faced. You can little? exible respond project requests. Outsourcing allows to build up resources in the short term and project-specific. The increased flexibility of resources can also a? Ow have on the timing of market entry. Under certain circumstances, outsourcing helps to reduce the “time to market”. So, the outsourcing of IT services allows a focus on its core business. Qualitative arguments: smaller software companies have a limited pool of its own know-how. Outsourcing allows the specific access to additional technical and methodological expertise from external experts.

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