Tips on car dealers and car purchase in Germany. Trust is good, control is better. You should keep this theme definitely in mind, if you want to give your used vehicle purchase from a dealer. Not all used car dealers are reputable and follow at the end also, what has been agreed with you. Car buying and fraud can be easy with each other in connection, because each is an extremely lucrative “income”, whose combined has led many imaginative car dealers in temptation. It abandons the merchants a variety of dubious car purchase as some of them appear in the Internet under different names or switch on multiple pages with incorrect or even missing legal information on the Internet. Check the phone numbers so be sure before you engage in any dealer. Some dealers try to gain advantages through the private seller’s ignorance, not respond to low offers you and can be in no case by the buyer in the narrow drive quickly to not sell the car, also under pretexts such as: “I’m only today in the city, either now or not at all”.
This is a popular ploy to come quickly and safely to a cheap purchased car. Make sure in any case to reviews on the Internet by former customers. A car dealer has already many and bad recessions, has usually a reason. Take the time and get several offers for their used, because is he once sold, are you also no longer get him back. Compare not only the offered prices but often hidden here can costs also the services offered. Your car is picked up, towed if necessary even by the dealer for you or need to bring himself to a place and pay the cost? The distributor logs off your car for you, or should you take care. Would he be willing to log off your car, get in writing it and hold it in any case in the contract. Oral Agreements are difficult to prove or not in an emergency court. For more information on