Schools Management Ante Actuales Scenarios

Paint the occasion bald. . National universities, in case of Venezuela, require changes in many of its programs of Humanities careers, social administrative, especially those for the Bachelor of administration, both at the undergraduate and graduate level. All this with the purpose of adapting their curricula, signatures to the national reality and what modern administrative science has been providing and favoring to those countries that have managed to adapt to its scope, which is generated with the correct use of the administrative tools that favor them. Venezuelan companies in recent years have faced serious challenges, due to the actions of the current Government that identifies as a Socialist and that has given way to tax regulations strong, economic measures with much control that has seriously affected its many companies, especially in the SMEs that were not prepared to do this, shut down, abandon the market, its operability, seriously affecting the business sector of the country, to meet with demand for many consumer products, to cite one ruble makes use of import to a significant economic and social cost to the Venezuelan. Faced with this reality, most effects of other topics, such as: impact of globalisation, global economic crisis, environmental pollution, political instability, new business openings, more aggressive competitiveness, obliges schools to assess what should be the Administrator profile needed to cope with it. It is necessary to give passage to the changes to ensure that training, the professional training of the Administration able to face the challenges, interpret the changes, encourage new models, tips, actions according to what is needed to make plans, actions that are put in place, rescue the unproductive, known properly handle all the company’s resources, provide products, competitive services, which meet the needs of consumers. Urges a new vision performance of companies, this requires more committed schools, where educational authorities, provide knowledge, updated administrative tools.

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