Tag: again at the CeBIT

USB Print

Specialist for network printing shows current solutions in the managed print services Park the CeBIT Bielefeld, February 2, 2012. After three years of absence is the Bielefeld network specialist again look at the CeBIT. Learn more about this with Jorge Perez. In the managed print services (MPS) Park which shows Hall 3 see his current output management solutions. Include efficient print spooler pool management in environments without print server appliances, myUTN various hardware solutions for ThinPrint environments, as well as various USB virtualization solutions of brand, which are also suitable for MPS. From the 6th to the 10th March is SEH at CeBIT in Hall 3, stand A 24(8b) finding. Brings to the this year’s CeBIT appearance TV for the first time its from the product line myUTN USB virtualization solutions with, for example, also for USB printer suitable. To include special solutions for scanner and USB dongles. SEH has new hardware-based solutions for environments with the ThinPrint print management software from Cortado in the luggage.

These include the ThinPrint Gateway to the Print job compression. A special highlight is the authentication hardware ThinPrintReader TPR-10, which complements the ThinPrint staff printing solution from Cortado. TPR-10 makes printing printer to the staff in ThinPrint staff printing environments each network printer. Among other things the contactless cards technology used, using the authenticate users via the TPR-10 at the printer ensures safety. Exclusive offer for visitors to CeBIT TV and Cortado a personal printing Starter package with a TPR-10 and five staff printing server and user licenses, as well as five RFID cards for the exhibition special prize. A further exhibition focus is TV with its dedicated print appliances, the intelligent spooling devices (ISD). This user also act as ThinPrint Gateway manage up to 150 network printer with the ISD appliances all available printers as queues in any network in which the Druckspoolen else is dealt with by central servers.