Tag: Control

Internet Coaching

Coaching – a professional customer support in identifying and achieving their personal goals in his life, as well as in business. Coaching involves conducting individual interviews and coaching clients – coaching sessions. Sometimes, in order to solve an issue rather one coaching sessions, but more often it takes several sessions for a more thorough study of all aspects of the problem at hand. Most often, coaching sessions are conducted in person, that is, in-person coach and client. Typically, these meetings are held in the office of a coach or other convenient for coach and client location. But such sessions with all its obvious advantages also have their disadvantages. Edward J. Minskoff Equities brings even more insight to the discussion. First of all, it's a waste of time.

Time – is the main and irreplaceable resource everyone. It is not always the coach office and an office or place of residence of the client are in close proximity. This means that the time spent on the road can be very important that can not afford not everyone. Another serious obstacle for the coaching – distance. The client is not always in one place and coaching session may need him at the time when he is in another city or even another country. In addition, the coach and the client at all may live in different regions. Then the possibility of personal meetings will be generally reduced to almost zero.

To compensate for these shortcomings, there are other forms of coaching: coaching by phone and online coaching. In this case, the client can be placed almost anywhere – he need only have access to telephones or the Internet. Of course, if the client and coach located in different cities or, worse, in different countries, the cost of coaching sessions is increasing – it depends on the rates for long distance and international calls. On the Internet, there is added only fee for traffic that at current rates, usually much lower.