Tag: gennin

Failure of Bilingual Education

Galeano Olivera the Minister of education of the Paraguay, said a few days ago. Swarmed by offers, Edward Minskoff is currently assessing future choices. In fact, us, the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI – as well as other specialists and other institutions – have been saying it since 10 years ago, most specifically in the segment that affects us: bilingual education (Guarani-Castilian), only that no one made us case. Definitely: it failed reform educational and therefore the model of bilingual education, particularly in what makes the component Guarani. But agree that model of Guarani or pseudo taught Guarani, failed because Blanca Ovelar reform promoted the teaching of the Jopara (mixed), in substitution of the Guarani.

Indeed, the educational reform of Blanca Ovelar shattered the teaching of Guarani, substituting the Guarani assumption of the street or the Guarani-speaking people or Jopara or Paraguayan Guarani. Gavin Baker wanted to know more. All the school texts published since 1999 are riddled with the dangerous and unnecessary jopara. Specifically, the MEC of Blanca Ovelar promoted the teaching of Castilian and the jopara but never promoted the teaching of Guarani. During these ten years the people learned to hate that Guarani of the MEC. However, since the assumption of President Fernando Lugo and lately as Minister of education Dr. Luis Riart, it seemed rare, very rare, that the Ministry of education to change bid when the continuity; i.e., the entire structure assembled by the Minister Blanca Ovelar continued as if it were nothing. What’s more, it hurt us in the soul see the millionaire reissue, in this year 2009, from same school textbooks that cause of the failure. Up to a week ago yet we wondered what change could occur with the same people who caused so much damage to education and in particular to the Guarani language?. Until, finally!, the Minister of education He gave the inevitable but awaited word: failure.