Tag: geography

Ecoville Way

We can observe in the city of Golden that the power of the man in modifying the environment grew more than what the understanding of this way. The economic interests surpass any ethics and However, the place is resulted of multilateral actions that if carry through in different times on each one and in all the points of the terrestrial surface (Saints, 1986) with this the housing standards will be distinct between the high classroom and low as well as the access the nature (' ' pure air), to the consumption, the leisure appearing to the segregations and exclusions. Of this form the nature is modified in order to take care of to ace necessities of the bourgeoisie whom it withholds of the privileges of this modification and suffering little the impacts that the same one generates in the planet. Thus the analysis of this system is essential for the agreement of our reality. Estée Lauders opinions are not widely known. more. To understand for where ' ' restos' ' of our consumption the impacts go that the deposit of the same ones in the environment go to generate, the way as the nature is treated in the present time and as the man if it appropriates of definitive agricultural space (the interests of this occupation) are of extreme importance an introduction to the geographic look.

The development of the geographic look is determinative factor not only for the formation of the gegrafo, but also of true citizens. The demographic expansion of the city and the consequent spalling of the population in economic classrooms can be visualize in the residential Ecoville, model of social estruturao already nail in some capitalist countries where if cousin the removal of the city and its related problems, beyond distorted concept of nature that now is spread in the commercial relations. In such a way, these residents develop an indifferent attitude before the situations that permeiam the partner-ambient reality due to this distanciamento.

Education: Geography

Looking at Geography in Education: Valtey Martins de Souza Nilene Cardoso Blacksmith Souza Antonio Flix Da Silva the present text goes to deal with the way as they were seen and applied to practical the traditional ones in the education of the Pertaining to school Geography e, also, goes to say of the construction of a Pertaining to school Geography Citizen, that it looks to bring for the center of the quarrel, the object of interaction of the professor, that is another citizen, the pupil. Thus, the words of Lacoste cited for Rock (1998), are sufficiently clear, therefore for it: The geography of the professors nothing more is of what an ideological speech, that has as function, amongst others, to mask the strategical importance of the reasonings centered in the space (p.67). In this conception, the education of geography in the end of century XX was descomprometido and isolated of the Real, searching if to distanciar the maximum of the space reality. This methodology applied for the professors masks the reasoning on the importance of organization of the space, and the studied contents were of form superficial mechanics and, making with that it did not have understanding, causing certain distanciamento in the relation of the knowledge apprehended in the school with the observed reality. In this manner, the learning became of small account for the pupil, who was had only as an object of the learning. In this context, this way to teach the geography detached from the reality, had as consequence, the disinterest for the geographic studies, a time that do not contribuam for a critical study of the space organization of the world, distanciando our alunado one of the importance of the geographic knowledge. In this way, in the Brazilian schools, the adopted pedagogical model is centered in the authoritarianism, in which the professor always must be the center and, the pupils, are understood as receiving emptinesses that must be filled.