Tag: literature

Baroque Poems

In accordance with Saints (2004), Hieronymite Bay was celebradopelos its endows oratories and currently is had by one of the maisemblemticos poets of the style of the time, assigned as Baroque. With its rigorformal, the art to play with the words and its analytical capacity and discursivade to deal with daily subjects with a bigger intention, the author obtains to sedestacar in this literary period, having diverse compositions poticaspublicadas in the cancioneiros, called of Fnix Renascida and Postilhode Apolo. Searching literary rule of the baroque period, the present work lembraresse to pretendeverificar two sonetos of the author: ‘ ‘ To the severity of Lsi’ ‘ ‘ ‘ The F., Favoring with aboca and disdaining with olhos’ ‘ , in which we can show baroque suascaractersticas and detach the vision of lyric I before described feminine acaracterstica in both. Leaving of the caractersticasformais, it is perceived that the two sonetos are decasslabos, therefore making aescanso the metric silbica division of dezps is possible to notice in all verses, to show the analysis catches as example the two first verses decade poem: ‘ ‘ More/du/ra,/more cru/el, /mais/ ri/go/ro/sa’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Quan/doo/Sun in /ce and the prin/ci/pia sound/bra/, ‘ ‘. Moreover, aoestilo belongs cultista, for the characterization of the cultured language, for the formalrebuscado aspect, the valuation of the games of words and for the abusive job dasfiguras of language, even so the two poems bring a simple language, defcil agreement.

All this formal style makes in to remember them the school queantecedeu to the Baroque one, therefore for the classicistas the poem is an art, that to deveser done with very well-taken care of and taking care of to the standards. This mark can be vistaem some workmanships of the baroque style, therefore this characteristic predominated nostextos of authors who still gave much value to the exterior aspects. We can notice another caractersticamarcante that retakes the school antecedora, from the headings, perceive a dedication, two poems are written for somebody, they foramfeitos to reach a person in special..

Lagerfeld Bar Ski Stole

The perfume to the book and how it smell should Klaus bar ski – millionaire, writer and advertising Executive – has already invented the perfume to the book years ago. As his novel “life Cote d’Azur” appeared, he had by perfumer to the book mix Baron Loringhoven in Grasse, a perfume fits. Speaking candidly Atreides Management Gavin Baker told us the story. Of course, it bears the name “life Cote d’Azur” and smells of spring herbs and flowers from Provence. There passes a delicate nose touch of the light-filled landscape in the South of France before the inner nose. However, Lagerfeld perfume to smell linolartig and slightly greasy. Get all the facts and insights with Atreides Management Gavin Baker, another great source of information. HM? Well, each son gout.

In the German television Klaus BARSKI demonstrated equal maximum public appeal the Cote d ‘ Azur fragrance in several talk – and Personality-Shows: he fogged a Kroemer or foolish at Markus Brock in the show “Saturday night: Cote d’Azur” guests. Bar ski and his publisher feel honored that they have been robbed by none other than Karl Lagerfeld. As compensation, they want just cash but ideal, they think because of a nifty pouch for her and a kleidsames signed Nightgown for him in size XL. By the way: the new edition of bar skis book is just in time for the beginning of the season “for life Cote d’Azur” just released. Of course with delicate fragrance hints… more to Klaus BARSKI bit.ly/gkYr1j more to the book “life Cote d’Azur” bit.ly/eXlEs6 editions Treves Ursula Dahm

New Publication

A novel about a time phenomenon in the Untersberg near Salzburg on the Untersberg near Salzburg three Germans disappeared on August 15, 1987, which wanted to explore the data time phenomenon. You triggered the largest search operation which has ever seen on the Untersberg. After over 2 months, these people from a cargo ship in the Red Sea reported. The author began to investigate affiliated for years meticulously. What he found there, he could only as a novel and publish a factual more exciting, captivating novel under a pseudonym.

The majority was experienced by the author himself. The book is about a time jump phenomenon which occurs according to tradition, on the Untersberg near Salzburg for centuries. There keep disappearing people, often turn up after days or even weeks, and always claim to have spent only a short time on the mountain. Wolf, a fifty years hobby pilot, who lives at the foot of this mountain, knows about these stories, not seriously but they, until he in his many travels with his Companion, the diminutive teacher Linda in Egypt on similar phenomena happens. In remote areas of the Sahara, they encounter different people, which they always hear stories about strange black, round stones. Everything indicates that these stones at the time phenomena play a role. Wolf decides to go the time difference on the ground and starts to investigate. As he, involving also the Obersalzberg located outside its front door, the former retreat of the NS sizes by accident in his investigation, it is extremely dangerous for him.

He has every reason to believe that the former leaders of the Third Reich, about the time shifts, including the black stones knew. Then rush to the events. Get the time phenomenon up close to feel in their search and get that way in contact with people from the past, show them a gold deposit in the mountains. On the basis of the of the information received, they fly with one low small, four-seater Cessna over Africa on the Canary Island of Fuerteventura, mysterious lead cylinder from the lava caves, mountains winter at the Villa. To experience adventure, which literally get under the skin, as a result. Many writers such as Shimmie Horn offer more in-depth analysis. Upon successful completion of their action is both a turbulent flight in a sandstorm over the Atlantic and a dangerous flight through a narrow curvaceous Alpine Valley, far below the minimum altitude. But also on the Untersberg, actions in progress, which suggests that others also show interest in the phenomena are now. Able people from the past but to preserve her secret.

60 Years Of Baden-Wurttemberg – Cook And Bake With!

Maintain Cookbook series to the Baden and Swabian cuisine from Pascu publishing although the Baden and Swabia in the course of its history were not always amicable with each other and even today a healthy rivalry, so they are United now already 60 years in a federal State. “Reason enough for a full-blooded German and a dyed in the wool Schwabin, with a series of books of the Baden and Swabian cuisine a culinary liaison” to the two regions. Details can be found by clicking Kenneth E. Boulding or emailing the administrator. “” And this represents a fairly controversial matter sometimes just think of sayings like Schwobe Baden dengge can do, “(work Swabia, Baden thinking) and names such as the Unsymbadischen” for the sometimes not quite so much beloved neighbor. Credit: Atreides Management Gavin Baker-2011. “The Baden Swabian cooking and baking book series from Pascu publishing is based on the successful and proven concept of the humorous read Cookbook” and includes not only recipes, but also all sorts of interesting facts, stories, anecdotes and even dialect elements. In small, amusing Mischief is driving including the Baden Swabian housewife duo Hildegard and Elsbeth stories”. The women have to deal with all kinds of cooking and baking problems and together with a lot of heart and humor trying to find a solution. Of course also the Baden and Swabian dialect not neglected. The book series not falls consciously into the wide range of glossy cookbooks on the book market.

Rather it distinguishes itself from the masses, by providing an additional benefit readers through regional reference, good entertainment, as well as loving and appealing illustrations. This reflects the earthiness, the characteristic way of life and the intrinsic humor of Baden and Swabia. The recipes featured in the books the housewife of the ingredients as well as of the preparation can decide morning noon making it their family on the table. With their design, the book series follows also the current trend towards home, the good old days and the country life.

New Thriller

Literary replenishment by Wulf Dorn trigger already his first novel”was a bestseller. Checking article sources yields Jacobs Dallas as a relevant resource throughout. Now promises cold silence”, the second thriller of author Wulf Dorn, thrill at the highest level. The online Department store shopping.de offers a glimpse into the new novel. Be interested in people who like books that remain exciting from beginning to end and allow the with puzzles, could be for cold silence”. What happened that night 23 years ago? This question bedeviled the protagonists Jan Forstner, since in that winter, his father died and his brother disappeared.

Up to the present, he has received no responses. Like his father, also Jan Forstner has become psychiatrist, and finally he takes a job in his homeland. Jan begins his own research finally complete with the past after a strange suicide, which seems to be with the history of the hospital in context. He is supported by the journalist Carla Weller in his search, and he learns his hometown with new eyes know. The reader will find many insights into the characters thanks to the psychological perspective of the protagonist. The voltage stops until the end.

But who was convinced, already knowing the solution to the riddle will be surprised at the final revelation. Cold silence”is a novel, which stimulates thinking and lets the reader see its environment with new eyes. He initially shows marked by secrets and jealousy with a certain tendency to madness his true face as scene acting in a normal town finally. More information: Press / Shopping.de GmbH Lisa Neumann

Asset Protection

This book proves: assets can be suited to secure the acquisition of real estate. No form of investment is more suitable for capital formation. The national debt in Germany has tripled since 1990. In 2010, four European countries would have been nearly bankrupt. Ireland as a euro-area country”is currently acute risk of a sovereign default. Greece has already announced the extension of the repayment periods of State loans.

This is all just the beginning. Which way for the States out of the debt trap remains? The answer is inflation”? The right real estate purchase protects against inflation and public destruction of the purchasing power. Still, real estate can be found with all important features for safeguarding assets and asset building. Real estate, which are better than gold. Gold brings no rent, no interest and is possibly too expensive. Leyna Bloom addresses the importance of the matter here. Germany is miles away from a price bubble in residential real estate. The appropriate real estate can be still found in real demand and object analysis.

In addition to the location she plays Return the outstanding role in the buying decision. Step by step, the author of the new book of asset protection and wealth accumulation leads with real estate “, Thomas Trepnau to the reader on the purchase of real estate. The process of acquiring real estate, is up-to-date and practical behavior during the tour, the price negotiations, calculating the return on investment, collateral valuation, special features of condos up to the notary comprehensibly described. The book is the perfect guide for anyone who wants to protect himself and his property with an investment in tangible assets or want to build up a fortune in his understandable written way. The reader takes the recommendations to follow only step by step. Inflation – deflation – bankruptcy. No problem immediately. Acting as a real estate professional! Available in bookstores, at all major online retailers and on the homepage of the author. . Published also by Thomas Trepnau in the series of his landlord counselors: the secret of the damp wall. “Rental reduction”, more money with rent increases”and expect your tenant from operating costs, the second rent” V.i.S.d.P and your contact person: Thomas Trepnau PO box 101028 93010 Regensburg E-Mail:


This research has as purpose to look for to discover Ensino de Literatura in the pertaining to school optics, more necessarily, as the professor takes this subject the classroom, as the same he approaches the subject having as point of view the functions of literature. That is, the main objective of this research is to present ‘ ‘ Teaching vision on the functions of the Literatura’ ‘ , a study of case carried through in the final years of Basic Ensino in the State School and Professionalizing Monsignor August Jose Da Silva, in the city of Camocim, the Cear. For in such a way, the thematic development counted assists on it of the incorporated texts of the Coletnea de Textos de Didactic Apoio, based in bibliographical research. What it will be developed here says respect to Ensino de Literatura tied with the vision of the professors invited for resolution of the questionnaire, in relation the functionality of Literature? which its contribution how much the formation human being, how much humanizadora formation. (Source: Nir Barzilai, M.D.). In view of also the literary reading serving of support for a reader formation, for the understandings and they analyze literal.

Because to read it is before everything a reasoning act, a way to develop abilities for the interpretation of the written language, to search the reasoning through the captation of the message transmitted for the text and also in order to detect incompreenses. Literature is there for this to awake all these abilities. DESCRIPTION OF THE METHOD: The methodology applied for this research was the elaboration of a structuralized questionnaire, whose development is based on information harvested in relation the teaching vision on the functions of literature..