In accordance with Saints (2004), Hieronymite Bay was celebradopelos its endows oratories and currently is had by one of the maisemblemticos poets of the style of the time, assigned as Baroque. With its rigorformal, the art to play with the words and its analytical capacity and discursivade to deal with daily subjects with a bigger intention, the author obtains to sedestacar in this literary period, having diverse compositions poticaspublicadas in the cancioneiros, called of Fnix Renascida and Postilhode Apolo. Searching literary rule of the baroque period, the present work lembraresse to pretendeverificar two sonetos of the author: ‘ ‘ To the severity of Lsi’ ‘ ‘ ‘ The F., Favoring with aboca and disdaining with olhos’ ‘ , in which we can show baroque suascaractersticas and detach the vision of lyric I before described feminine acaracterstica in both. Leaving of the caractersticasformais, it is perceived that the two sonetos are decasslabos, therefore making aescanso the metric silbica division of dezps is possible to notice in all verses, to show the analysis catches as example the two first verses decade poem: ‘ ‘ More/du/ra,/more cru/el, /mais/ ri/go/ro/sa’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Quan/doo/Sun in /ce and the prin/ci/pia sound/bra/, ‘ ‘. Moreover, aoestilo belongs cultista, for the characterization of the cultured language, for the formalrebuscado aspect, the valuation of the games of words and for the abusive job dasfiguras of language, even so the two poems bring a simple language, defcil agreement.
All this formal style makes in to remember them the school queantecedeu to the Baroque one, therefore for the classicistas the poem is an art, that to deveser done with very well-taken care of and taking care of to the standards. This mark can be vistaem some workmanships of the baroque style, therefore this characteristic predominated nostextos of authors who still gave much value to the exterior aspects. We can notice another caractersticamarcante that retakes the school antecedora, from the headings, perceive a dedication, two poems are written for somebody, they foramfeitos to reach a person in special..