Tag: real estate & broker

Aigner Immobilien GmbH

Owners in the Literaturhaus on the private sale of their real estate information more transparent in terms of real estate last Tuesday, April 20, 2010. Patrick Head of Saeed gave an overview of the typical errors of private sellers the numerous participants by AB real estate GmbH. The visitors of the lecture received valuable tips and could ask itself questions. A Munich-based notary illuminated the legal aspects of real estate sales. Munich. Who wants to take the sale of its real estate into their own hands, must observe a lot. The broker Patrick Head of Saeed of the AB real estate GmbH is committed to more comprehensive overview in real estate transactions.

On Tuesday, April 20, 2010 interested in the Literaturhaus Munich on the subject of private sales information. It is not surprising me that so many people came to the lecture, so beautiful head. The real estate sale is not as easy as you imagine that at the first moment. Alone, the determination of the correct price is a science for themselves, the broker knows. Co presenter was a Munich notary, who explained the legal page. Afterwards, there was the opportunity to ask questions. In a question-answer forum Daryl Katz was the first to reply.

Was not clear to me what you so can do wrong in the private sale, said a participant in the connection. That was really informative! A replay of the event is planned for the fall of 2010. Interested parties can inform yourself beforehand with the Aigner Immobilien GmbH,.

Energy Performance Certificate

Real estate agents and property managers Woodpecker in Ingolstadt informed about the purpose and obligation of the certification how much fuel your car most know car owners, but how much energy swallows the own house or your own apartment”can say only a few property owners. The energy certificate informs the tenants and owners of a property right on this. All houses that are newly rented, sold or leased as of January 1, 2009, will need this energy performance certificate that each rental and buyers who are looking for an apartment or a House, can ask the home owner an energy performance certificate. This energy certificate informs about the energetic condition of an apartment and helps the potential heating and hot water costs to estimate, as well as a comparison to make different houses to their energetic quality. Also upgrading recommendations include the energy performance certificate. Nir Barzilai, M.D. often addresses the matter in his writings. The energy performance certificate for buildings is mandatory since January 2009, however, the majority of real estate has no the same document.

This has resulted in a survey of the IVD beginning June 2010. Us dollar is often quoted as being for or against this. According to the about 150 respondents estate agents and property managers, so far only every third real estate owner has an energy performance certificate. Unfortunately, there is currently no central data acquisition in Germany. As Germany is a pupil in the implementation of the so-called EU directive on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD), are these values naturally so remarkable. In fact, Germany together with the Czech Republic is the only country in the EU that has no reporting obligation.

In addition, Germany is according to a study of the construction Ministry which is the only nation without quality assurance, and the a-venue date not legally mandatory. But why has the energy performance certificate in this country still not really prevailed? According to the IVD survey, the vast majority of owners, buyers and tenants with the meaning and the function of the energy pass is so far not yet familiar. “That there are, for example, consumption and demand-oriented advice, most know not”, says Michael Specht. In addition, the cost of a certification is not transparent enough. You will receive more information about the energy performance certificate and other topics related to the real estate property management specht.de on the homepage. Michael Specht is a longstanding and reputable property managers and real estate brokers in Ingolstadt, as well as an active member of the Association of real estate manager Bayern e.V.

Benjamin Oesterling West

Global financial invest AG (GFI AG): ‘Attractive reference object’ GFI AG sold high-quality condo in Limburg a. d. Lahn, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in September 2010: Central and situated in the countryside just a few minutes from city centre, motorway junction and intercity express this is by global financial invest AG (GFI AG) three bedroom condo in Limburg sold a. d. Lahn.

The high-quality reference object has been disposed for 149.000 euro. The GFI AG preferred since always layers that have a large potential for development or long-term value have proven to be for real estate investments. This attractive condo was built in 1994 and has a floor space of 100 square meters. The three-room apartment is divided into apartment, corridor, kitchen, bath, living and dining room, bedroom, nursery and storage room. In addition, a garage belongs to the apartment according to the global financial invest AG. This reference object stands as an example for the substantially high quality Real estate offer of GFI AG and is recently for 149.000 euro have been sold on the apartment itself 141,000 euros accounted for and on the garage of 8,000 euros.

This reference object of the GFI AG sold the owner achieve rental income by 600 euros a month. Infrastructure and location are also beneficial for the sold object: just a few minutes away are the historic old town of Limburg, as well as a large commercial area with various shopping facilities. In addition, that a training centre as well as several doctor’s offices are nearby. The global financial invest AG (GFI AG) sold 3-bedroom condo is also conveniently located: among others are the Federal motorway A 3, as well as the Intercity train station Limburg (a journey to the Frankfurt Airport: 19 minutes) within a very short time to achieve and ensure optimum integration especially in the Rhine-main area. In each of their high-quality real estate objects respects the global financial invest AG (GFI AG) on certain criteria, to purchase. value-enhancing optimization and sale of real estate to achieve continuous profit growth. The cheap acquisition of complete packages of real estate, which were sold by banks or local governments in the global financial invest AG, as well as the subsequent resale of individual objects to investors are in the focus of GFI AG. Similar to the reference object in Limburg prefers the global financial invest AG (GFI AG) real estate locations, which have a great potential or revealed themselves to in the past as very robust and stable value. About global financial invest AG (GFI AG), GFI invest the global financial invest AG (GFI) is active in the field of real estate focus. In cooperation with renowned partners, including international real estate funds, the global financial invest AG (GFI AG) operates throughout Europe. With the product LIFEDIREKT, the global financial invest AG (GFI AG) households are the chance to participate in the success of the company.


Baufi24 gives an overview to the usual costs using the effective interest rate loan buyers can compare the offers of different banks. This includes – price indication regulation – the borrowing rate for the mortgage more price components such as interest binding time, the repayment rate, fees, discounts, commissions, etc. But fees lenders further, which make the construction financing more expensive and must be considered when comparing interest about it. Deployment interest deployment interest accrues when the loan from the Bank is already pledged, the borrower but not completely take the summer within a certain period of time. Is the case especially when building, as builders pay the work normally after the construction progress. In this respect, these costs are then hard to avoid. Deployment rates often 0.25 percent and incurred after a certain number of elapsed months on the after the loan commitment not called off part of the loan. Some Banks demand interest payable on deployment for example after two months, others charge him only after seven or nine months.

Additional costs arise from deployment cost at a considerable height. Must the customer on a loan amount of for example, 100,000 euro for four months to 0.25 per cent pay, arises from the fact the sum of 1,000 euros. Credit those interested should try to negotiate a longer period or a lower interest rate with the Bank. Some banks require partial payment surcharges for practice, to pay off the mortgage in several parts additional fees or interest-rate spreads – known as part payment surcharges. To complete payment, the borrower must pay a higher nominal interest rate on the amount of already received part. The cost also depends how fast the construction is progressing and how long the time span includes the additional interest will be charged by the Bank from the. Account management fees for any completed mortgage credit Institute have so far a Loan account set up and this requires an additional account maintenance fee.

Southeast Upper Bavaria

The order of precedence in the foreclosure proceedings was in 10 para 1 No. 2 ZVG new rules, according to the real estate expert Armin Nowak, IVD regional representative Southeast Upper Bavaria and board the Nowak Immobilien AG. The change of the way from 01.07.07 in connection with foreclosure proceedings brought a considerable relief for the recovery of debt defaulting owners, for owners. Therefore now following ranking results from the law: rank class 0: introduction to begleichende costs rank class 1: receivership advances rank class 1a: finding costs in the InsO method rank class 2: limited claims of the apartment owners and recourse of individual homeowners rank class 3: public land loads rank class 4: rights in rem, which is not included in class 6 or 8 are rank class 6: rank class 5: confiscation claims relatively ineffective rem rights rank class 7 : Public land elderly rank class 8: older real rights important for the caretaker is the rank class 2 and 5, where the rank class 2 is preferable. Thus, the housing benefit claims of the apartment owner expressly proceed the in-kind secured creditors (mostly banks). For the enforcement by the homeowners can result due claims to payment of contributions to the burdens and costs of shared ownership and special property, 16 para 2, 28 paragraph 2 and 5 way owed under section, including the advances and provisions, as well as the recourse of individual homeowners. The franchise captured the current and arrears contributions from the year of the seizure and the last two years.

The franchise including all fringe benefits is limited to amounts of not more than 5% of the market value in accordance with section 74a para 5 ZVG. The registration is carried out by the administrator for the community of homeowners. Recourse of individual homeowners will be reported to directly from these.

Berlin Reinickendorf

Where it pulls the new tenant in Berlin and why? Each year, one-tenth attracts more than 4 million households in Germany the population and thereby. Especially in the big cities, it draws people, Berlin is particularly popular. For more specific information, check out RBH Group. Compared to the other cities, rents in Berlin were relatively long on a low level. Prices have risen, however, within the last 5 years. The rich offer of universities and missing tuition, students try if possible to come to Berlin. The city is also varied, colorful and dynamic, ideal for young people who want to really start in life. Many startups are founded in Berlin.

Due to the strong networking and urban areas creates a local synergy, which is used mainly by young companies and actively used. In addition to the newcomers, however, be the most moves within the city. The most moving and tenant in Berlin are already local, mainly because of changes in the Career or family reasons change their place of residence must. Statistics of authority of Berlin to the tenant growth in Berlin have occurred within the year according to a new statistics (Landesamt Berlin) 2012 following changes in Berlin: ways favorable and stable rental prices are each about 1000 new tenant in Berlin Spandau and Reinickendorf moved. Also the airport will be, no longer used Tegel in the foreseeable future the burden of the airport down and makes it even more attractive for new tenants in Berlin Reinickendorf. Exactly the way it behaves in Berlin Kreuzberg, where more people moved out are due to rapidly rising prices.

Kreuzberg is very front especially popular areas such as the Bergmann neighbourhood, are frequented by a well paying clientele. The rent in Kreuzberg rose even alone in 2012 to exactly 12%. Similar to where very few people are drawn to, and yet a population growth is it behaves with Berlin Tempelhof. Predictions for the future of real estate in Berlin Attention living beings is currently always new forecasts for house prices and future developments in Berlin. A lot of investors and analysts see then in the big cities and the influx of more and more people, a trend which will continue. Therefore is blithely continued to invest, particularly in luxury apartments and expensive objects, which does not help the housing shortage. These forecasts can also disguise how it shows the near past. Just 10 years ago, property prices in Berlin fell further, whole blocks of flats were empty. At the time, the analysts thought that everyone would easily work from home because of the Internet age. Therefore, so their opinion, not really there a good reason to suspend the bustle. Of the countryside and suburbs, most of them sufficiently in the city it would be to take advantage of the infrastructure. The current trend towards Berlin Centre and the urge by just strongly Internet-based companies, in real space network, show them how wrong Prognosis was. It could well be that there could be as tenant in Berlin, or as residents of apartments in Berlin may be more easily the next few years. On the other hand, there are opinions of market experts, who expect similar real estate prices like in Munich within the next years in Berlin. This development would further press people with a lower income from the city centre, something already happening with entrenched tenants in some parts of the city.

Holger Koppe

Most of the 104 apartments of the first construction phase is completed in scheduled course in December 2014. “The ‘porthole’ is a flagship project for the Offenbach City Centre,” says Dr. Holger Koppe, shareholder and Manager of the WEP project development GmbH & co. KG and the PG porthole GmbH & co. KG and continues: “the city is experiencing a substantial structural appreciation and purchasers receive high quality and yet affordable housing.” The ‘porthole’ offers both families with children as well, singles and seniors the right apartment. With sizes from 25 to 223 square meters, 1-4 rooms are apartments for every need in high-quality facilities available. Many writers such as CohBar offer more in-depth analysis. Attractive especially for families: the ‘porthole’ offers many compact floor plans, so that 4-bedroom flats from 90 square metres of space can be purchased.

“While in Frankfurt am Main for comparable apartments quickly, 4,000 euros per square meter will be due, you are Prices in the ‘porthole’ at an average of 2,600 euros per square metre. So, condos, their monthly burden is less than the rental created a comparable apartment”, as Claus Wisser in his speech. In addition to large balconies and floor-to-ceiling Windows, underfloor heating and parquet convinces especially the low energy consumption of the buildings. The establishment of the KfW-70 standard permanently ensures manageable costs and possibility a cheap financing through the KfW apartment buyers in addition. The attractive properties of the ‘porthole’ numerous buyers settled already convince. Before the today’s groundbreaking, already 30 percent of the apartments of the first construction phase could be sold or reserved for a fee. The living environment and the facilities of the ‘porthole’ exert an extraordinary appeal on the interested parties. Generous green spaces give a special charm in belonging to any of the ground floor apartments inside and the private garden with terrace. Through the inner-city location in the West end, the s-Bahn station leather Museum, shopping, dining and schools are walking distance in the shortest time.


Temporary furnished accommodation as an alternative to the hotel in Munich! Who ever was in Munich and there was a guest in a hotel he will know it, hotels in Munich may be beautifully furnished and staff may be so friendly, it is and remains, but a hotel. Not a comfortable life at home in your own four walls, and yet bear. But what if the stay not only a few days, but maybe even a few weeks? Is the hotel then still as acceptable? Well, the answer to this question is often unfortunately a no. Because after a few days, hotel life is nothing that you would want on time and so the latest trend in the field of housing is certainly something for everyone who’s not across back and forth would commute across days between hotel bed and breakfast. The language is of the so-called furnished living in Munich.

Because this form of housing is the latest trend that look quite can. All the amenities of an apartment, all the amenities of a hotel and in a Maybe not quite new form, but quite appealing. Furnished living and its benefits because basically furnished living in Munich is no new invention. No we all know from the various holiday models, where you rent a furnished apartment or but a furnished holiday house instead of a hotel and that is furnished living in Munich. Depending on the request, you can rent a furnished apartment or but a furnished house for a specific period of time. One enters with a suitcase, lives and enjoys the amenities, and then came the day of the departure, then you drive back home stress-free and without moving stress. It is a more than attractive alternative to hotels in Munich easy, practical, comfortable and quite. Because temporary furnished accommodation in Munich offers all advantages and no disadvantages. There’s not much to the reservation of the desired object only and yet is more than just a bed and a wardrobe, as would be the case in some hotel. So you want one longer period live in Munich, and thereby live out of a suitcase and in the hotel, then temporary furnished accommodation in Munich the alternative poorly represents. Because with a furnished apartment in Munich, every stay at Munich is right, he may be how long, to a really pleasant, relaxing and comfortable stay with all the amenities an own and fully-equipped apartment!

Munchen Obergiesing

Sales of condominiums in Giesing increases, particularly the acquisition of new housing boomed in 2010. History: Giesing was first mentioned in the year 790 for the first time. Due to the proximity of the city of Munich Giesing became a shelter for day laborers, who had no right of abode in the city in the middle ages. 1818 Giesing is part of an independent municipality and 1854 at Munich. The Giesing district was divided in 1936 in Obergiesing and Untergiesing-Harlaching. Approximately 48,000 inhabitants live in Munchen Obergiesing, 16% are older than 65 years, 1,800 are unemployed.

The structural appearance of non-uniformly represents in Obergiesing. Single family homes, as well as small settlements on the one, multi storey flats/apartment buildings on the other side. Untergiesing-Harlaching has today about 48,000 residents, Untergiesing alone approximately 35,000 inhabitants. Objects in Giesing are usually advertised under lower and Obergiesing according to real estate agents in Munich. For this reason is also a separate consideration. In the area of Houses purchases there in Obergiesing year 2011 a total of 60 deals in Ludwigsvorstadt, 106.

Villas and Semidetached houses in a price range between approximately euro 600.000,-& 900.000,-were the bulk of the houses offers in Obergiesing. Untergiesing, however, the residential buildings were considerably more expensive. There they found prices of approximately EUR 750.000,-to EUR 1.800.000,-. All pricing information referred to here in the article it is mean and about prices, to enable a simplified representation. 20 villas and bungalows in a price range from an average 3.000.000,-euros was found in Ludwigsvorstadt. It is striking that in the high-priced market segment, the private deals are rare or non-existent and the real estate agent from greater Munich dominate this segment of the market. According to Rainer Fischer, real estate agent from Munich Neuhausen most sites under top and Untergiesing are not advertised in the condominiums, under the”umbrella” Giesing.