A web directory is a website that tries to increase the link popularity of other sites with as thematically relevant backlinks. To ensure the relevance, given the website categories and subcategories. Webmasters can now their website (about n) in this catalog and write a description. The entry is then checked by the administrator of the web catalog for spam and quality and then released. Now, either the link appears at the appropriate subcategory with the description text or in the sub is a link to a detail page that has been specially created for the link. the latter is obviously better because it can provide its own entry with back links and also more likely to present topics relevant. Web Directories with back link mandatory There are web directories that require a back link in return from them.
These engines should I register only when it is certain that one has an advantage of it, because often “take” more than they give these web directories “.
Especially because some web directories are so bold that they expect the backlink from the registered page or even from the home page of the registered site. Entries in web directories such should be avoided. Moreover, a Web catalog have no more than 50 links in a category, otherwise the Pagerank inheritance is so small that it is simply not worth it. It should also not hundreds of categories to be empty, otherwise creates a lot of duplicate content (DC). Nor should one, especially in older pages that already have a high Pagerank, make sure that still in subcategories such as Computers & Technology Electronics exists a Pagerank (of course depends on the Pagerank of the homepage).