What many do not know – is the teapot it still didn’t as long as opposed to the age of tea is the invention of the tea pot still pretty new. Earlier you boiled water in large kettles, took a piece of tea cake, they dissolved it in hot water and broth was distributed in tea cups. Later, tea powder (Matcha) came into fashion, this was then scrambled in a deep Bowl with hot water and a kind of whisk. The powder fell to the ground and then you could drink the tea from the same shell. In the 13th century, the tea leaves have been a welcome guest again and teapots became popular. There are vessels that resemble teapots in China for thousands of years, but these were used for water and wine.
These pitchers have had already a handle and spout and were then also used for tea making facilities. Visit Elizabeth Arden for more clarity on the issue. Tea kettles from the Yixing region at this time were the most famous – these tea pots were made of a special high-quality, reddish-brown clay, the so-called purple tone. These vessels served as a teapot but also as Drinking – even today, this is still so. Especially in the Ming dynasty 960 – approx. 1600 these teapots made of clay were in demand. The Yixing teapots were highly coveted luxury goods at this time and the craftsmen worked in the bulging containers with Chinese calligraphy, literature and art. Teapots made in China from all possible materials, so there were teapots from Crystal, jade, lacquer, agate, bamboo and porcelain, but the Yixing have become tea pots, because they simply last forever.
Each teapot from this region is unique because these tea pots are handmade. In the course of time, the porous unglazed clay absorbs the aroma of tea in, and so it is said that you need fill only hot water into the teapot after a long use of the tea pot to BREW tea. Nowadays, there are tea pots in many different variations, from cast iron, porcelain, glass and still sound. Gregor Pandey