The Physical Education PCN

In this direction valley to stand out that the PCN? s had been created to guide the professionals of the area in the organization of the contents, evaluations, quarrels and reflections of practical the pedagogical one, thus contributing for formation of the professor of Physical Education and its professional update, as well as subsidizing the elaboration or curricular version of the states and cities, dialoguing with the existing proposals already, stimulating the internal pedagogical quarrel in the schools and the elaboration of the educative projects (DARIDO, 2003). For Darido (2001, p.15): Three aspects of the proposal of the PCN in the area of Physical Education represent excellent aspects to be searched inside of a project of improvement of the quality of the lessons, which are; I begin of the inclusion, the transversal dimensions of the contents (atitudinais, conceptual and procedural) and subjects. How much to the first aspect the PCN of the emphasis to a Physical Education directed to all the pupils without any type of discrimination. After that it standes out the importance of the dimensions of the contents between learning and making, knowing what it is making, beyond considering a relationship of the activities of the Physical Education with the great problems of society integrating the citizen in the sphere of the corpora culture, the calls transversal subjects (PCN, 1998). In against departure LDB 9,934/96 it decides: The Physical Education, while component curricular obligator of the Basic Education, the practical part, understood becomes facultative as the experiences of the activities, in relation to the pupils who if fit in the below elencadas situations and since that duly proven, as Law n 10.793/2003: ) that it fulfills to equal or superior hours of working the six hours: b) bigger of thirty years of age; c) that it will be giving military service; d) supported for the Decree n 1.044/69; e) that it has ' ' prole' '.

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