Here is the ground-breaking alternative to protect against swine flu without any side effects! Ask yourself the question: swine flu vaccination – yes or no? Immune to swine flu without vaccination! The central theme is the swine flu in recent months. Currently, the question is of course: vaccination or better no vaccination? The uncertainty is increasing on the swine flu vaccination. There is hardly a day when not a new message about vaccination against swine flu is published. The discussion about the vaccines unsettled people. In Germany, a so-called active amplifier is used for the first time ever in a commercially available vaccine. What’s up with these active amplifiers to? There are accessories that enhance not only the effectiveness of a vaccine, but also its side effects. List the side effects here, beyond the article. Especially it is cannot be ruled out that the additive mixture “of swine flu vaccination an accumulation of rare threatening damage” cause (such as nerve damage).
Thank God there are alternatives! A strong immune system is very important. If you have a strong immune system, which will develop no symptoms of swine flu. Strengthen the defense forces include not only much fresh air to be and a healthy diet, but also subliminals. This is specially selected, pleasant music, which include over 100 positive information stored under music – around the topic of swine flu / flu influenza H1 N1 I’m immune to swine flu! “Are subliminals what? Subliminals (Latin sub “under” and liminis “threshold”) to German subliminal”, based on a technique whereby you can bring information directly and bypassing the intellect in the subconscious. There are positive information (affirmations), which are fused in a way with the music of the mind does not see, but the subconscious and is therefore very effective.
Listening to subliminals which is currently most famous and strongest technique to incidentally “goals to be reached or to implement. This method is the redesign of your subconscious mind and helps you to transform negative experiences and doubts of any kind in positive attitudes to life. The subliminal I’m immune to swine flu! “can any number of times, no matter whether loud or quiet, be heard. More often it is subliminal belongs, the better it works!