The years pass, is the life, when you think that you can now dedicate yourself to be happy your mind begins to have live memories to be able to feel happiness, moments of laughter, hugs, beautiful words, shared games, illusions, of innocence, shared dreams, respect, communication, tips and everything because unexpectedly the joy faded. Everything that you expect crumbles, everything changes without realizing, everything becomes dark and leave recognize him, you want to find him, you want him to recover and not only by it, by a selfish instinct, but by himself. Took you my being for nine months and that made that we are United for the rest of our lives by a special tie, surely color green hope. I know that he suffers, know that inside you feel disappointment with himself, but he is so proud that does not want help, prefers to deceive and thinking that since you want you can again become who he was, that since you want it may again become free and happy without having to rely on a substance, prefers thinking that he has no problem. To be a sensitive person brings many problems, he is, how having been as smart fails to be making the decision to steer his life, not wants to do and he alone is one who has to decide this. A truncated life, a life without goals, an empty life, without illusions. How many sleepless nights looking for an answer to so many questions in my head and in my heart, why, what was the moment that took that road, in what I have failed, perhaps our righteousness was actually harmful in their education, would have been better that I had consumed so that he did not and I say this because I’ve done that question at times knowing people who consume and have to its around to children than they do not.