Your Education Is Sorted View Telenovelas

Yet in real shock after armed by our Honoree Secretary of education in Mexico, Alonso Lujambio to thank television, specifically some soap operas, to be promoters of education. We must accept advantageous subject: how much you have to pay in inscriptions to be seen soap operas? You only need to make a bag of popcorn, sit your children against TV and start preparing your speech for father of the year. I want to clarify that I am not a very politically educated person and that until recently didn’t even know who was the Secretary of education. After several years of seeing political, national and foreign, say really incredible things on television (and not incredibly good, I want to clarify), still I wonder the capacity to earn their predecessors in say and do mensadas. Because reward a television station and its soap operas by promoting education is one thing, but when it comes from Mr Secretary of education (which in dead language means that Lord who is responsible for the education of an entire country), is really something to laugh, cry, or maneuver a combination of both. Before this, I remember a phrase that I read out there: why Dios us God two ears to hear and a mouth, only one, to silence us. A few days ago few had failed to appoint the Secretary of education. Today, it is another infamous character.

It was so difficult to stay silent? If we already have one of the worst places in education (Yes, still have that honor) at the global level is necessary to tell the world that our main educator thinks that part of the solution is to see soap operas? Faced with this situation, many say that things stay this way. Ultimately, the guy is a politician and is expected to say outlandish things. The problem is that, as the second of our President, what he says speaks for us. Whether we like it or not, each of these characters represent us because, directly or indirectly, we thing We put there. In movies, series and cartoons is to Mexicans as a few ensarapados, reloaded at a wall and plugging us head with the hat so that the Sun does not disrupt our siesta. Many have been those who have complained and they have protested this image and stereotype. Perhaps those who insulted us with similar image now have to replace it with an ensarapado watching TV. I do not know exactly who wanted to make this Lord but I know that he will be remembered by many people for a long time.

According to some it may be a presidential for 2012. You can that you are giving to know. Who knows? Maybe talk shows and soap operas in the afternoon have more result that public schools that so many disappointments have caused in this country. Solutions there are many. Simply have an open mind. Meanwhile, the 4 should be ready the notebook to start true education for your favorite channel have written already several articles, mainly about marketing on the Internet, but without forgetting that I am Mexican and my own humble opinion. Original author and source of the article

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