MUC Memory

I am the conscience of the intrahistricos parameters (contained in the memory) and extrapsychic. Without I would not have the conscience of the space-secular parameters and the reality of the world that I am (intrapsquico) and where we are (extrapsychic); without I as and an eternity would not have the lesser difference. The historical memory is divided in: memory of continuous use (MUC) and memory existence (ME). The performance of the phenomenon RAM automatic register of the memory produces a spontaneous and inevitable process of formation of intrapsquica history. We need to prevent that thoughts and terrifying images you are created in the MUC and ME, therefore the constant reading of these thoughts it generates anxiety and it distresses and phenomenon RAM has preference for privileged registering the experiences that have more tension. In such a way a vicious and harmful cycle appears the psychic health. In the clandestine and unconscious environment of the embroidery frames of the mind, ' ' eu' ' it learns one of finest, complex and sophisticated paradoxes of the intelligence, that is to learn the psicodinmicos ways quiet ' ' inconscientes' ' of the reading of intrapsquica history and the management of the processes of construction of the thoughts.

I can organize and only manage the process of construction of the thoughts, and the too much processes of construction of intelligence, if it paradoxicalally to learn to read ' ' inconscientemente' ' intrapsquica history and to also produce, ' ' inconscientemente' ' , the psicodinmicas chains of the matrices of thoughts. I, to if acquiring knowledge of the chains of thoughts produced unconsciously for the phenomenon of the autochecagem of the memory and for the phenomenon of autofluxo, interrupt or continue these chains. The continuation of the construction of these chains is also a form quiet and important to learn if to organize and to develop the management of the processes of construction of the thoughts.

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