The bloody conflict in Syria persists for more than 2 years – no end is in sight! So far, 80,000 people lost their lives and injured 400,000. We demand an end to the violence. On the 16.5.2013, it is black on the net. 28 German aid and UN agencies urge with nationwide action for more solidarity with those affected in Syria. Topics of the day presenter Ingo Zamperoni supports the joint appeal of the aid agencies. Help for the refugees is urgently needed. The message of the action is stop. Look out!” In the Center is an online action: on May 16, 2013 only a black page, as well as a video of the dramatic situation in Syria appears on the 28 sites of participating non-governmental organizations and supporters.
Additional measures of social media, the general public is stimulated to join. This joint action aims at attention in Germany to the humanitarian disaster lasting for over two years directed and encouraged political and societal commitment to cessation of violence be. Humanitarian access is the most urgent concern to all organizations. Everyone can show his solidarity with the victims. Also the site of Habitat for humanity, Germany, will be black on this day of solidarity. Habitat for humanity also calls for solidarity with this action.
We would like to draw attention together with the other aid agencies on the great suffering of the people. Help, raise your voice for the Syrian refugees”, so Marco Witzel, Board of Directors of Habitat for humanity-Germany. Who is on the way in the Web, is the action under the slogan stop. Look!”this day very easily connected, E.g. via the social networks Facebook and Twitter. A third of the Syrian population is dependent on humanitarian aid, alone from January 2013 today increased the number of refugees from Syria from 475,000 to nearly 1.2 million. It take part: action medeor, ADRA, action Germany help, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, doctors of the world, noVa’s Ark, AWO international, CARE Germany Luxembourg, Habitat for humanity, Handicap International, help help to self-help, HelpAGE, hope drawing e.V., Humedica, Islamic Relief Germany, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe, Malteser international, Misereor, Oxfam Germany, Pro Asyl, save the children, Terra tech, terres of hommes, UN World Food Programme, UNHCR Germany, UN refugee aid, Welthungerhilfe, world vision. About Habitat for humanity, Habitat for humanity builds safe and adequate housing for poor families in over 80 countries with the help of donations and volunteers and organized the reconstruction of disaster areas. Since its founding in 1976, the charity has built worldwide more than 600,000 houses and renovated, more than 3 million people received a future as a result. Since 2011 Habitat for humanity host Member in the Alliance action Germany help e.V., that fast in case of disasters together with its members and initiates effective relief efforts. Contact: Heidi Wenge Habitat for humanity-Germany On the Berlich 30 50667 Cologne Tel. 0221 579-595 14 Email: