Month: September 2018

Munchen Obergiesing

Sales of condominiums in Giesing increases, particularly the acquisition of new housing boomed in 2010. History: Giesing was first mentioned in the year 790 for the first time. Due to the proximity of the city of Munich Giesing became a shelter for day laborers, who had no right of abode in the city in the middle ages. 1818 Giesing is part of an independent municipality and 1854 at Munich. The Giesing district was divided in 1936 in Obergiesing and Untergiesing-Harlaching. Approximately 48,000 inhabitants live in Munchen Obergiesing, 16% are older than 65 years, 1,800 are unemployed.

The structural appearance of non-uniformly represents in Obergiesing. Single family homes, as well as small settlements on the one, multi storey flats/apartment buildings on the other side. Untergiesing-Harlaching has today about 48,000 residents, Untergiesing alone approximately 35,000 inhabitants. Objects in Giesing are usually advertised under lower and Obergiesing according to real estate agents in Munich. For this reason is also a separate consideration. In the area of Houses purchases there in Obergiesing year 2011 a total of 60 deals in Ludwigsvorstadt, 106.

Villas and Semidetached houses in a price range between approximately euro 600.000,-& 900.000,-were the bulk of the houses offers in Obergiesing. Untergiesing, however, the residential buildings were considerably more expensive. There they found prices of approximately EUR 750.000,-to EUR 1.800.000,-. All pricing information referred to here in the article it is mean and about prices, to enable a simplified representation. 20 villas and bungalows in a price range from an average 3.000.000,-euros was found in Ludwigsvorstadt. It is striking that in the high-priced market segment, the private deals are rare or non-existent and the real estate agent from greater Munich dominate this segment of the market. According to Rainer Fischer, real estate agent from Munich Neuhausen most sites under top and Untergiesing are not advertised in the condominiums, under the”umbrella” Giesing.

Education: Geography

Looking at Geography in Education: Valtey Martins de Souza Nilene Cardoso Blacksmith Souza Antonio Flix Da Silva the present text goes to deal with the way as they were seen and applied to practical the traditional ones in the education of the Pertaining to school Geography e, also, goes to say of the construction of a Pertaining to school Geography Citizen, that it looks to bring for the center of the quarrel, the object of interaction of the professor, that is another citizen, the pupil. Thus, the words of Lacoste cited for Rock (1998), are sufficiently clear, therefore for it: The geography of the professors nothing more is of what an ideological speech, that has as function, amongst others, to mask the strategical importance of the reasonings centered in the space (p.67). In this conception, the education of geography in the end of century XX was descomprometido and isolated of the Real, searching if to distanciar the maximum of the space reality. This methodology applied for the professors masks the reasoning on the importance of organization of the space, and the studied contents were of form superficial mechanics and, making with that it did not have understanding, causing certain distanciamento in the relation of the knowledge apprehended in the school with the observed reality. In this manner, the learning became of small account for the pupil, who was had only as an object of the learning. In this context, this way to teach the geography detached from the reality, had as consequence, the disinterest for the geographic studies, a time that do not contribuam for a critical study of the space organization of the world, distanciando our alunado one of the importance of the geographic knowledge. In this way, in the Brazilian schools, the adopted pedagogical model is centered in the authoritarianism, in which the professor always must be the center and, the pupils, are understood as receiving emptinesses that must be filled.