Month: June 2016

Computer Education In Cuba

Cuba has made it a priority to provide computer access for its citizens. The Cuban university students have an average of 1 machine for every 12 students and have e-mail, access to courses, study materials and databases via local networks and Internet access in computer labs. You can not fail to mention the title role in The Youth Club of Computing and Electronics, here are trained workers, the disabled, housewives, young people with behavior problems, former prisoners and the elderly. Today there exists 301 facilities, located in 169 municipalities, and four mobile laboratories to carry the knowledge related to information technology to remote areas They began the first master to overcome these professionals are among those who are in the vanguard In order to computerize the Cuban society.

Since December 1999, began the widespread use of audiovisual media in Cuban schools, which resulted in the need to produce television programs for schools, for it has been fitted to all schools in each classroom with a TV and a VCR . Have been running two TV channels dedicated to supporting educational activities and raise the culture of the population. Cuban universities have been leaders in the introduction and historical development in the country of computational technologies. This leadership is manifested in the amount of research results and products obtained in ICT related disciplines and in professional training programs in the fields of computer, electronics and telecommunications. Examples of this are the different Cuban universities intranets and intranet provide MES where almost all Internet services but a local or national level. It is valid to note that the implementation and care services are provided by the students of these universities tutored by teachers.

School Resume

Resume, the identity of the school and the society The resume, as well as the proper school, is not static and is, therefore, in total development. Of this form, it allows in them to reflect and to argue concerning some questions that we consider excellent for the performance of the process education learning. In this perspective, the resume must be considered significant, from the premise that this must offer an education of quality for all, if becoming democratic and multicultural. The word resume is very familiar for all we who we work in the school and the pertaining to school systems. Perhaps on account of this, we do not think very or same we reflect on the direction of the term, so frequent in the colloquies in academic schools, lectures, texts or in other quarrels. With the word resume distinct conceptions associate, that derive from the diverse ways of socioeconmicos life, factors, cultural politicians and. Thus, the resume must be understood as contents to be taught, the pertaining to school experiences of learning to be lived for the pupils, the pedagogical plans elaborated by professors, pertaining to school schools and systems, the objectives to be reached by means of the process of education and the processes of evaluation that influence in the contents and the procedures selected in the different degrees of escolarizao.

Then, the resume associates it the set of developed pedagogical efforts with educative intentions. as identity of the school, directs the varied positionings, commitments and theoretical points of view, and thus, affirms in greater or minor emphasis quarrels on what we know accurately on the importance of the pertaining to school knowledge, collating many times, on procedures, social relations and the current scene. What it is really important to learn? why? How and when we will use in our life in society? We judge important to stand out that, any that is the conception of resume that we adopt, in them does not seem to have doubt how much to the importance in the pertaining to school educative process.

UFRGS School Autonomy

It is a process of identity between citizens and school, of form that from the dialgica relation, the school develops the formation citizen of its students and is accessible to the participation, also promoting it. The school cannot be independent if in its interior if not to evidence practical of autonomy citizen. Without hesitation Albert Einstein College of Medicine explained all about the problem. It is by means of practical constructive and of emancipation of the citizens that we will consolidate this space as possible mediation for the autonomy of the citizens. The autonomy is a principle that if all accomplishes when perpassar the education system and even though the society.