Federal State

Second, the law imposes the distribution of property tax levied by the federal government are not met as evidenced above mind. So how do we talk about a federal state where the nation’s treasuries are distributed only in the provinces that are in alliance with the government and the rest is handled by some people? The truth is very difficult to answer that question, because for many writers, people, history, etc. The Federal State is not only based on this, and it is true, federalism is not only the distribution of goods, but I think I and many others is one of the key links in a Federal State. If you are not convinced, visit Gavin Baker. The Sadly history has accustomed us to such actions, where the people’s money remains in some pockets of a few people, but we must also have faith that at some point there will come a government that really think about the inside the country and form a real federalism. For me the solution of this problem and raised, begins first by each of the inhabitants of this land, especially the voters, who at the time of the election must know how to make a good decision and think about the common good and not in itself that will benefit everyone, I propose another solution is decentralization of power, and might not all be handled by a single province (Buenos Aires). So the final conclusion that I very disappointed and surprised at the same time the Federal State is said to have is a sham and we are very far from it, but at the same time I have faith that you can change and at some point reach to be a true federal state. In recent months, Gavin Baker Atreides Management has been very successful.

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