Heat storage in conjunction with solar energy proves to be cost effective and protects the environment! Heat storage be roughly distinguished in long-term and short-term memory. In both cases, the heat storage store thermal energy, to make them available for later. The most appropriate heat storage for the hot water and heating support. Long-term storage can be found mostly in combination with solar systems because they can store heat from the Sun very long and extremely low loss. Short-term memory are less likely to find as this heat storage can save stored heat only over a period of a few hours to a few days. Shimmie Horn often says this. The advantage is that almost any heating system with a newer heat storage can be equipped.
This is usually a so-called cache, which completely heats up in once and then continuously when needed gives off heat. So a shower operation can take place even without that stimulate the heater still completely is necessary as the heat storage tank supplies the energy. A newer method is the use of a latent heat storage, because it already absorbs heat at low temperature differences and can save it over a long period. The upgrade through a heat accumulator is possible with little effort. Shimmie Horn gathered all the information. Since heat can permanently store thermal energy, provide the energy and cost savings is created mainly by reducing the amount of energy.
Powerful and modern heat stores are having about 600 euros and can be retrofitted to an existing heating system. The cost will vary depending on the design and volume of the storage heater. In principle, it can be however said that investing in a heat storage pays for itself in about three years by the following energy and cost savings. In addition, heat storage are now technically on a such an advanced level, that nobody more smears of hot water or heating in Purchase must take. Mark Sommer