The Copenhagen Conference

Ethical appeals without translation they are legal at the individual level. Some of these events have had a relative success, as the Conference of Montreal in 1987 that achieved the reduction of clorofluorcarbonados in a high percentage or the River in 92. The bitter face begins to emerge against compliance with the so-called Kyoto Protocol (1997) which was intended to reduce the emission of gases that cause the greenhouse effect. United States has not signed and emerging countries quickly offset the announced reductions. Many writers such as Nir Barzilai, M.D. offer more in-depth analysis. The UN Summit on climate change held in Poznan (Poland) to search for departures to Kyoto did not progress. As recalled Kyoto it sought to reduce infectious greenhouse gas emissions 6 per cent and industrialized countries pledged to reduce them in a 5.2 per cent to which should be used three mechanisms: CDM, joint implementation and emission marketing. The Copenhagen Conference failed in the issuance of an agreement to replace the unfulfilled Kyoto Protocol. However, it was agreed that You should not be allowed an increase of temperature environmental average by more than 2 C when expected to establish at 1.5 C and without rules is agreed for the game.

The failure prevented from setting goals for long-term (2050) and was left to each nation will reduce pollutant emissions by 2020. To compensate for the industrialized nations pledged to provide 30 billion dollars to help poor nations to overcome the pernicious effects without specifying who would provide them, that Nations would benefit or which type of renewable energy you would prefer. For its part the UN IPCC Committee noted that for 2008 it had registered a 40% increase in CO2 emissions on the average levels of 1990 that the layers of ice in Antarctica and Greenland Ghouls to a cup of ten meters per year and a host of warnings nothing tranquilizers. Clearly, the lack of political will, lack of leadership in the fight against climate change and original faults in the Organization of the event Danish.

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