Forum Utopia

“The big lever” Utopia loads Changemaker after Berlin a utopia shows the ten most interesting, most unusual, most beautiful and most important personal lever of his utopians in the video on this year’s Utopia Conference in Berlin. The ten winners of the video contest will be invited for the whole utopia community representative to Berlin. The winners are selected by an independent jury. Germany’s largest community for sustainable life style brings the utopia Conference every year the most important Changemaker”in the fields of economy, science, culture and media together and invites top speakers from around the world to inspire the audience with approaches and fresh ideas to the change. Vote now. Utopia is looking for people, companies, products and organizations that really make a difference. The utopia Awards Foundation each year in four categories of the utopia awards in the field of sustainability.

From the three finalists per category set by the jury, the audience can October 31 online be selected.…/ abtimmungpublikumspreis patron of Utopia Conference and the utopia Awards is the utopia Foundation, which is responsible for content and format of the event. Background information about the utopia Foundation and aim of the Foundation is to accelerate social change towards sustainability and the makers of social change to support, coach and guide. Key thought leaders from the scientific, public and company meet the Board of Trustees of the Foundation. In the Centre of the utopia Foundation is a simple guiding principle: we want us to behave in our world and it in such a way that all people can live well tomorrow and preserves the natural foundations of life. Since 2007, the first projects of the utopia Foundation are the annual award of the utopia awards as well as the implementation of Utopia Conference. The change-maker day is presented by entega, Vaillant, Otto Group, talk42 and time online. He also supported Neumarkter Lammsbrau, VW, luggage, Deutsche Bahn, Steigenberger Hotel Berlin and radial system in Berlin.

The media partner of the event are: nature + Cosmos, taz,, eco-world and Forum sustainable economies. Learn more information about the speakers, the program and the sale of tickets at:. Utopia is the events press tickets available.

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