According to GFH GmbH the budget planners are renewable energy sources more important Nuremberg, 12.10.2010 a short study, Publisher? is the Agency for renewable energies e.V. evaluates 50 German, European and global scenarios of the last decades and compares the forecast with the actual development of renewable energies. The GFH GmbH the budget planner verbeitet the opinion of the results listed in the study. Almost all tested expansion forecasts predict a low share of renewable energies in energy consumption, so the opinion of the GFH GmbH. Often reached the renewable energies the forecasted values many years earlier and surpassed the predictions up to several 100 percent.? The opinion of the GFH GmbH is that most forecasts the development of renewable energies has significantly underestimated the budget planner. This is a current opinion of the Agency for renewable energy produced 50 of the main scenarios for Germany, Europe and the world with the actually achieved, compares the GFH GmbH shall notify the budget planner.
Most forecasts were exceeded considerably by expansion dynamics of renewable energies. The opinion also continues predictions of politicians and associations on so the GFH GmbH. For example, the information circle nuclear energy, renewable energy could not more than 4 per cent of the German electricity cover. According to GFH GmbH, the budget planners are 15 percent it today already actually. Renewable energy should be realistically calculated and assessed so the opinion of the GFH GmbH the budget planner. Important energy policy choices and decision from which in the future of the renewable energy sectors depend on these forecasts”can decisively influence. If a new field of renewable energies is considered to be promising and successful, the appropriate Department affects in enormous mass development, so the opinion of the GFH GmbH the budget planner. The development decides what energy supply in the next few years for the population as a priority provide livelihoods is GmbH as the GFH the budget planner further.
The opinion according today firmly established technologies such as wind power, photovoltaics and geothermal are missing in early scenarios of the 1980s. So also the opinion of the GFH GmbH. Do not apply not only past forecasts. Unfortunately also more recent assumptions not occurred as planned so the opinion of the GFH GmbH: the values for 2030 were exceeded two years after the publication of the study in part published in 2005 on behalf of the Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums. Renewable energy currently provide 9.7 percent on the German final energy consumption (237 TWh). About power consumption, they contribute 15 per cent (91 TWh), to the heat requirements of 8 percent (109 TWh) and in the area of mobility, biofuels have accounted for 6 per cent. The GfH GmbH the budget planners was founded by well-known companies in the construction, real estate and financial industry executives. In the Centre of gravity, the GFH GmbH as a specialist in the area operated the Financial optimization. The trend-setting concept of the GfH GmbH the budget planner aims to create long-term stable values for investors and owner-occupiers. For this purpose, the GfH GmbH screened the financial possibilities to present potential customers and investors, then corresponding opportunities of investment, especially in listed real estate of. Seat of the GfH GmbH Nuremberg is the budget planner.