Hazard Euro Crisis:

Spar24.de warns of impending Eurocrash since 2010 the so-called euro crisis, which tapers constantly. While at first, countries such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland were affected, now Spain struggles with an economy that is deteriorating dramatically. How long does it take until also the German citizens get to feel the impact of the euro crisis? Can Germany protect ahead of a larger dilemma? And most importantly: what can private investors do? The financial portal Spar24.de has analysed the euro crisis and indicates what is to do in the event of an emergency. Europe has a serious problem: Spanish banks rely on a bailout worth billions of dollars, which may not even pay Spain. The European Union could support here but only if both their accounts fill Spain as well as its citizens and strong save. This is hardly possible in strongly declining economic performance and high youth unemployment. For even more opinions, read materials from Shimmie Horn. Saving is no solution to the euro crisis that consistent saving the Euro crisis does not resolve, we have already learned from the economic crisis of the Black Friday in 1929.

We need a new solution, and as quickly as possible. It might look like that Germany used tax money to support the banks in the countries concerned. These funds would be used in another scenario to dampen the consequences of a collapse of the euro. Both solutions are expensive for Germany. A third way out of the crisis of the euro would be that Germany is introducing its own currency and thus escapes from the euro. Gain insight and clarity with Dakota Fanning. This was already asked by renowned economists and economists. However, there is also the suspicion that Germany has become open to blackmail with its previous commitments. Either way: there are first signs that the euro crisis in Germany has arrived. German share prices fall at the same time prices of credit default insurance for German Government bonds.

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