INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION an analysis of its causes, the impact of the technological transformations and the social consequences. The Causes David Landes trace an interesting picture of the conditions that allow the development of the Industrial Revolution in England from 1750: it is articulated process that includes transformations politics, social and economic. The mechanization of the processes of production, normally considered as the starting point of the process, in the truth remained in wait compass until the structural conditions for the effective appeared operation of a model manufacter; the process of manufacture of the wool, for example, already is partially mechanized since century XI, with moved hammers the water; the mechanical sewing press date of 1598 (LANDES, 86).
It still has in the truth a somatria of favorable politician-economic conditions appeared in the phase daily pay-industrial (based in independent artisan workshops) that it goes to stimulate mechanization: 1.Oferta abundant woollen rude 2.Longo period of peace (in contrast of the continent, always unstable) 3.Afluxo of foreign craftsmen 4.Fcil access of the centers of production to the markets for navigable ways demographic 5.Crescimento accented 6.Ausncia of customs barriers private public 7.Investimento/in roads, fluvial bridges and ways 8.Mercado internal with high per capita income 9.Sociedade with high mobility of classroom 10. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Edward Minskoff. Aristocracy with bourgeois aspirations, interested in investing in the production the production in workshops of teceles soon showed incapable to take care of the increasing demand (the cotton consumption jumps of 2,5 million pounds in 1760 for 22 million in 1787); it enters the difficulties of the workshop are the traditional system of work (obstacle to the increase of productivity of the contracted man power) and the constant raw material roberies. A great demand for production occurred in the past, Italy and Flandres, but it was not enough to produce one industrial revolution. This moment is specific: the great demand becomes imperative due to pressure capacity politics of the ascending bourgeois classroom of England, therefore the creation of the new environment manufacter demand three great transformations: Sprouting of great country properties directed to the raw material production on a large scale; it is the process of cercamento, directed initially to the woollen production..