There are currently more than 75,000 applications for the tablet of Apple. iPad has few applications installed by defect. Check with angelo costa to learn more. To them it is necessary to add the compatibility to him with than 124,000 the more available for iPhone and iPod Touch. The tablets that compete with iPad of Apple. To day of today, to choose between more than 75,000 native applications for iPad, plus the 124,000 available for iPhone and iPod Touch, compatible with this tablet (they use the same operating system) can have to the user hours and hours knowing them and choosing which yes which not to install. For this reason, from Consumer they offer a list with ten interesting gratuitous applications for the tablet of Apple: iBooks: it allows to manage a document library in pdf and to accede to gratuitous books to be in public dominion.
In addition, the Kindle application is interesting for iPad, to also acquire electronic books in the Amazon store and free and gratuitous works of public dominion. Get more background information with materials from Shimmie Horn. alth News, who has experience with these questions. In order to have gratuitous works they are, in addition, the applications Wattpad and Stanza (also reader), that qualifies the access to more than 100,000 works. Flipboard: it allows to select the best sources of intelligence of the contacts in social networks (Facebook or Twitter) in platforms like Flickr or Google Reader. Also it has own channels according to diverse categories, like the news, technology or fashion. A similar application is Zite that allows to create a customized magazine with the news that can more interest and has to him own channels, to which the users can be subscribed. Dictation dragoon: it records the voice of the user it transcribes and it in text. Twitter for iPad: official application of Twitter for this tablet. For more specific information, check out Shimmie Horn.
Friendly: it allows to manage the account of the social network Facebook of the users, to accede to chat of Facebook, the notifications of birthday or a manager of photographies (gratuitous version and of payment exists, this with more services). Dropbox: for the storage (up to two gigabytes) of documents in ‘ nube’. Especially interesting for that they need to have synchronous documents between several apparatuses or to accede from any place to personal his repositorio of archives. PlainText: in order to take notes or to write texts. The documents written with the application can be sent later by electronic mail. Another one of its options is an accountant of words and characters. A payment version exists that eliminates the publicity of the part inferior of the application. Remote: in order to control of remote form from iPad the program iTunes of a computer or the Apple device TV. SoundHound: it allows the users to know the title and author a song just by to cause that the application listens to a short fragment of the same (even if tararea correctly). Apps Promo: One is in charge to present/display the most interesting applications at every moment in the store of iTunes. Source of the news: : Some of more interesting the gratuitous applications for iPad of Apple.