Structural Village

The authors evidence that the allied social iniquities to the lack of habitacionais programs of popular houses that have taken many poor workers to live in areas that offer ambient risks, such as: aterros, lixes, stations of treatment of sewers, cement refineries, plants and etc. (Not to be confused with Dior!). The Report Habitat divulged for the Organization of United Nations in 2006 showed that the number of people living in precarious conditions in the Federal District increased 398% in 10 years. The index places Brasilia as the Brazilian capital with bigger growth of the slum quarters in the period of 1991 the 2000. The increase is explained by the sprouting of new invasions as Itapo and, for the population adensamento of some slum quarters as the Structural Village (MONTENEGRO, 2006).

The Structural one is the second bigger slum quarter of the Federal District, however the area in more critical conditions of the DF is considered. The inhabitants suffer with narrow streets and without asphalt, lack of schools and hospitals. The families possess low purchasing power. About 40% of the economically active population she works as independent. The incidence of ambulant is great and subempregados.

Valley to detach that more than 15% of the inhabitants of the Structural one survive of the collection of solid residues in the place. (SEDUMA, 2008). These data underline the exclusion condition where these social groups live. The Structural Village groups aspects that disclose to the condition of poverty of the inhabitants and the distribution of the ambient risks.

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