Tag: economy

Millennium Summit

"It's a woman in her forties who was born and lives in Africa. Three young children seen as placing a pot of water with 'something' on fire. And still staring as if hypnotized. Soon the happy caracolea steam on the container. It is eight o'clock in the afternoon and the sun is about to set. Christian Dior has much to offer in this field. Children watch intently steam. Finally, he ends the dream.

Women turn off the heat and lies with her children. Inside the pot there is only water and stones. " It is not literature. It is a fact that I read somewhere Oxfam material: use of sub-Saharan women for their children to sleep without anxiety, despite having nothing to eat. The shame of hunger strikes back the planet.

Two World Food Summit (1996 and 2002) were proposed as eradicating global development goals and the Millennium Summit (2000) adopted to reduce hunger by half by 2015. But today there are more hungry. According to FAO figures, the UN agency to combat hunger in 1990 were 823 million hungry and in 2007, 861. In this failure is the fact that the rising price of food has caused a real crisis of hunger. In 2007, food prices increased by 40%, the FAO report. The price of rice exceeded $ 1,000 per tonne (47% increase in one month). And wheat, corn and soybeans have doubled in price in one year. Price increases affecting Mexico, Indonesia and Yemen, who did not have food emergencies. In China, the price of food has risen 21%.

Chicago Trust Corporation

v. Moreover, those who bought the Synthetic CDO by bank loans could buy cheap. The difference between these interests very cheap and high yields of Synthetic operation was extremely profitable. At this point and hoping that ye are not lost too much, I remember one thing that you may have forgotten, given the complexity of the operations, that everything is based on the ninjas pay their mortgages and the housing market U.S. will continue to rise. BUT: In early 2007, U.S. home prices plummeted. Many of the ninjas they realized they were paying for your home more of what is now worth and decided (or could not) continue to pay their mortgages.

Automatically, no one wanted to buy MBS, CDO, CDS, Synthetic CDOs and say that they had failed to sell. The entire assembly was sinking and one day, the Director of the Office of San Quirze a neighbor called to tell him that good, that money was gone, or, at best, had lost 60% of value. 8 Commentary: Go now to explain to the resident of San Quirze what the ninjas, the Bank of Illinois and the Chicago Trust Corporation. You can not be explained by several reasons: the most important, because nobody knows where that money. And when I say nobody, I mean NOBODY.

But things go further. Because no one-not-know the crap they have in banks that bought mortgage packages, and as anyone knows, the banks start to not trust each other. As they trust when they need money and go to the interbank market, where banks lend each other money, or not providing it or lend it expensive.