For all the citizens of the Dominican Republic it is of vital importance to know the problems being experienced by our country’s educational system. As we know the education it is vital to improve the quality of people’s lives and improve the development of a nation. Our country is going through serious problems in this social system and is not that the State has only given low investment, but is also that there has been inefficiency in the management of economic resources to education, since they are mostly intended for wages and salaries. Not necessarily to higher expenses we will have higher education, because an example is that approximately 50% of the resources allocated to the different levels delivered to basic education and however the second study comparative and explanatory (SERCE) held in Chile in the month of June, 2008, against the 15 Latin American countries participants got last place. We have deficiency in the preparation and training that It produces teaching and this creates a circle where low training of teachers is reinforced by low wages.
Repetition rates are high and accumulate above students age and the drop is due to the factors of poverty or incomplete schools. It could be said that the main problem of the educational system is the difficulty of retention of students, so that they concluded basic and medium levels. Really in Dominican Republic lack establish mechanisms that evaluate and troubles the implementation of educational projects, as well as greater decentralisation of the school. Educate children and you won’t need to punish men Pythagoras instructs child in his way, and even when he is old will not depart the Proverbs 22: 6 original author and source of the article