Tag: motor & transport

Tato Nano And Its Strife

Indian cars in the form of micro is the little runabout Tato Nano on the market in 2008 the first time by his Indian carmaker Tata Motors in New Delhi presented. It is considered the world’s cheapest car. In India, it costs 100,000 iR, translates into 1700 euros. After the price was known, you gave him the name in India after its selling price one lakh car, which means hundred thousand car. Due to the high demand, the first one hundred thousand cars were raffled. A two-cylinder into the mini cars engine in the rear. The displacement for the petrol model is 623 CC and developed performance is 33 HP. The transmission is equipped with four courses and comes from the Indian two-Wheeler manufacturer kinetic.

A continuously variable transmission should still be followed. But other well-known suppliers are at the small Nano. So the engine mounting or BASF delivers the Kat and the synthetic engine components for example Bosch injection technology and brake systems, Freudenberg. The fuel consumption is approximately five liters per 100 kilometers. So should the maximum speed by 100 km can be achieved.The trunk can accommodate size-technically a Briefcase, he is in front of the front axle. Atreides Management Gavin Baker does not necessarily agree. Why is the Nano so cheap? For one, no comfort items such as power steering, air conditioning, electric Windows or a car radio were fitted when installing. Also security technologies such as ABS and airbag has been omitted. Instead of welding body and chassis connections, they were stuck.

But the low material and labor costs are considered the most important factor in the production country of India. The Nano should delight but also the European car market in the future. After a retreading in terms of safety and comfort items the Indian low-cost car for 5,000 euros to price the brands Renault and Peugeot compete.

Car Leasing Or Buying A Car?

What lohtn are for individuals and especially when. Own preferences must weigh to decide for the right type of financing private consumption. Private consumption are often right in front of this decide if they want to purchase a new vehicle. This, mostly personal interest in a vehicle must be weighed, then on the type of financing ideas to make. A long-term interest in the new car, so the car financing would be worth under certain circumstances. But only the use of the vehicle in the foreground, the car leasing is is advisable. Leasing offers individuals full cost control and manageable rates. Credit: Chris Sower-2011.

A great advantage of leasing is the low usage of equity. If you would like to know more about 660 Fifth Avenue, New York, then click here. So, middle-class vehicles can be implemented with low special payments and short maturity. The runtimes themselves also constitute another advantage of leasing. The consumer here has free choice over the term of the lease. To bypass the new car only a certain time, so she can be Customize the run-time variable. The financing to lease but has an advantage. Leasing would be more expensive than the financing for small new cars in total.

In times of cash for clunkers, consumers for their old cars get a bonus of 2,500 euros, which is used for new and year car as a down payment for the new car. The remaining amount is handled via the House bank or the Bank here and passes at the end of the vehicle is in the possession of the purchaser. Would the consumer at a small car opt for leasing, the monthly installments amounting to approximately the monthly financing rates would be. The biggest difference is in the question of ownership. In total would in the two species not much do, only that in financing the vehicle return the car at the end of the term the buyer belongs and the lessee would have to. Leasing is worth therefore in most cases only for higher valued vehicles. This is currently so high, the price decline that has itself a financing almost as business of loss of would affect. Many buyers do not think about these price declines often and then wonder why your vehicle may only have half of the purchase price is worth after three years. In auto leasing the lessee would simply pass the vehicle to the lessor and should worry to the further recovery of the vehicle, eventually will be paid when the lease only for the duration of the use.

Will Fill Up Diesel For 0.48 EURO Per Liter

Members are diesel producers and make yourself independent of the public gas stations. The litre price for diesel is Berlin currently 0.48 gross, 05.04.2010 green energy is booming: protecting the climate, creates jobs, and independent from oil and gas. Now, even the energy companies want to invest billions to bring power from the Sahara to Europe. As regards diesel fuel for heating or motors, is today already much easier. The growing interest in alternatives, such as for example the merger in energy co-operatives shows that more and more medium-sized companies want to become less dependent on oil and gas. An example is the CEHATROL fuel EC from Berlin. Here, the members are their own diesel producers.

Will be four facilities in Brandenburg, Thuringia and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania of the high-quality diesel fuel obtained from biomass CEHATROL. CEHATROL, the DIN EN 590 produced, differs fundamentally from conventional biodiesel. CEHATROL can also block heat and power plants used as the refuelling of motor vehicles and can be mixed with conventional diesel. To do so, Board Frank Knauer: for any company that needs more than 300 l diesel a year, a membership in the energy cooperative Freudenberg may want EC. And in addition to the independence from fossil energy, another unbeatable advantage is planning security at the price of fuel, because due to the statutory exemption is litre price from 0, 48 EUR / lgarantiert for Genossenschaftsmitgliederbis 2015ein. Putting a current price of 1,259 EUR / l at the petrol station in the relationship, an annual return of 25.96% on the paid-up shares of the cooperative results. Who can say there is no.” For more information, Helmut Uhlig

Reputable Car Purchaser

Tips on car dealers and car purchase in Germany. Trust is good, control is better. You should keep this theme definitely in mind, if you want to give your used vehicle purchase from a dealer. Not all used car dealers are reputable and follow at the end also, what has been agreed with you. Car buying and fraud can be easy with each other in connection, because each is an extremely lucrative “income”, whose combined has led many imaginative car dealers in temptation. It abandons the merchants a variety of dubious car purchase as some of them appear in the Internet under different names or switch on multiple pages with incorrect or even missing legal information on the Internet. Check the phone numbers so be sure before you engage in any dealer. Some dealers try to gain advantages through the private seller’s ignorance, not respond to low offers you and can be in no case by the buyer in the narrow drive quickly to not sell the car, also under pretexts such as: “I’m only today in the city, either now or not at all”.

This is a popular ploy to come quickly and safely to a cheap purchased car. Make sure in any case to reviews on the Internet by former customers. A car dealer has already many and bad recessions, has usually a reason. Take the time and get several offers for their used, because is he once sold, are you also no longer get him back. Compare not only the offered prices but often hidden here can costs also the services offered. Your car is picked up, towed if necessary even by the dealer for you or need to bring himself to a place and pay the cost? The distributor logs off your car for you, or should you take care. Would he be willing to log off your car, get in writing it and hold it in any case in the contract. Oral Agreements are difficult to prove or not in an emergency court. For more information on

Nokian Tyres

The Snowflake is visible up to 4 millimeters. When she disappears, it increases the risk, and you should renew its winter tires. Photo: Nokian Tyres photo 250 caption: the strong Kappe-& base construction (Cap & base construction) of the tread of the Nokian WR A3 winter tyre has a Nano base reinforcement layer at the bottom. This firmer nanotechnology construction with smaller molecules improves the steering of the tyre when driving in curves, the lane change and evasive maneuvers. Photo: Nokian Tyres photo 254 Photo caption: The slush-aquaplaning protection of the new Nokian WR D3 winter tyre improved by five percent and the A3 still to four percent compared to the previous G2 optimized for sporty handling photo: Nokian Tyres editorial: Dr. Falk Kohler more press releases, photos, videos, and downloads: NewNokianWR other news releases: press releases and veroffentlichunge sources: car newspaper, no. 20, 15.9.2010 ADAC winter tyre test 2010: ADAC Motorwelt”” “, Issue 10, October, 2010 the ADAC has changed his rating system and now gives the school scores very well, well”, satisfying “, etc.

“The note satisfactory”, that the Nokian WR G2 in the new test 2010 has achieved, matches the current ADAC judgment recommended “. auto motor and sport, issue 21, September 23, 2010 car, no.22, 29.9.2010 sports car, no. 11, November 1, 2009 to the other information: winter tyre specialist Nokian Tyres research and development of Nokian Tyres leading the world as a leading Winter tyre specialist in the world and only tyre manufacturer Nokian tyres is focused on products and services that make it easier for the people to safe driving under Nordic conditions. The innovative tires for cars and trucks and heavy machinery are marketed mainly in areas where there are also demanding driving conditions due to the change of season in addition to snow and forest. In addition the company offers also specifically tire tailored to on the milder German climate.

Nokian Tyres develops, tests and patented safety-enhancing solutions for more than 75 years, and is the inventor of the winter tire. The first winter tire in the world came in the midst of icy winds and vicious cold in 1934 on the world. Nokian Tyres in 2002 brought the Nokian WR on the market, the first, designed for high speed winter tyres (M + S). 2007, the Nokian WR G2 was born, which has retracted due to its excellent grip and its unique protection against slush aquaplaning test victories. His success story is now with the new Nokian WR D3 and A3 continue. Nokian Tyres achieved a turnover of 1058 million euros in 2010 and had 3,500 employees. The Vianor – tires trade chain with 800 retail outlets in 20 countries belongs to the company. Nokian Tyres shares is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. Dr. Falk Kohler PR 20 years makes the Dr. Falk Kohler PR for successful PR leader, sold their products to and increases their profits. Therefore, it has excellent references. Excellent advice, qualified concept and creative strategy guarantee high quality. Interesting topics, important news and strong photos create large press presence. The holder is a journalist, has a 16-year old professional practice at large media and wrote more than 30 success stories of top companies. Thanks to its competence journalist + PR consultant Dr. Kohler knows how to move products or topics in the media and positive press coverage achieved.

Car Well Accommodated

Exclusive garage shows, how to combine benefits and design the car should be well housed, because it represents a significant value. Accordingly, the accompanying garage prefabricated garage must be designed. The company exclusively garages from the North Rhine-Westphalian Bad Salzuflen shows that benefits and design unite themselves. With an easy to use online designer of the customer under can create his garage is no matter whether there should be a single or double garage, or even a large garage. Additional door, garage door, colors, all that you can already times advance graphically compose and vary. Because a garage should fit to House and land, is part of the daily environment and must accordingly present themselves with design, value and good quality, stable processing. The prefabricated garages specialist passes a stylish, user-friendly garage, advance of course also takes care of the legal issues and clarifies whether a planning application or a simple display of the construction is necessary to Wish to meet the customers. The right Foundation is chosen, decided whether there should be up & over doors, sectional doors, drive, or window, nothing in the way is a fast implementation.

The consultant of exclusive garages are available under the free phone number 0800-785 3 785 available, help from the planning to the delivery and construction. The implementation of customer requirements is by the way very quickly, despite the design options and trim levels in a short time a customized, affordable and high-quality investment emerges. So, the car has a really good place. Turnkey, stylish and with quality. Contact: Exclusive garage GmbH & Co KG Schlossstrasse 4 32108 Bad Salzuflen telephone 0800-785 3 785 (free) fax: 05 222 36 801 13 PR by: Adgency GmbH Schlossstrasse 4 32108 Bad Salzuflen FON: 0 52 22 36 90-614 fax: 0 52 22 36 90 611 E-Mail: Internet: keywords: garage, garage door, exclusive garage, single garage, double garage, large garage, garage of rows of, carport, prefabricated garage