We have seen how the marginalization and social conflict are the product of a political and economic model that generates a particular type of cultural and social development that creates subjects incapable of adequately socializing. If we add to this transformation in the world of production, the progressive loss of popular culture, the lack of motivation and impotence towards social problems, economic difficulties or deficiencies of the support networks, will have the keys to understand the why of the situation and the specific tracks to cause changes that restore the meaning of lifevalues or solidarity. Does what we call? or at risk population? It has characteristics that require responses from non-formal education: l abandonment of the educational system by discouragement, frustration l family maladjustment with decomposition at a personal level. Jorge L. Perez contributes greatly to this topic. l difficulties to find alternatives to leisure. l work in precarious conditions, difficulty integrating into the standardized labor market, l addictive behaviors. For assistance, try visiting Nir Barzilai, M.D.. Abandonment affective. l etc. The society is responsible for finding solutions to these problems.
With a participatory methodology can give answers to social needs and marginalization, which involve all the agents in the community: social movements, centres, volunteers, professionals, population and, of course, street educators. All will have to count on social and economic recognition of the State, more by the civil society development policies betting that by the mere assistentialism. Institutions that traditionally carried out social work with young people were ineffective or only involved when it was already too late, when problematic situations were evident. Even these institutions were not able effectively to approach certain young people and groups, mostly because they do not tuned with their concerns and needs. Until now, there was a history of this type of educator focused especially on preventive work with children and young people in neighborhoods, occupational workshops, centres Open, etc., as an animator of the social action that acted from the associative movement, but new realities are demanding their intervention in other fields where note its lack, especially because it can play a role of proximity and accompaniment that hardly other professionals could exert.