Tag: clothing

Aroma Details

If you still do not have details which you give as I remember at your wedding, you have here a simple and cheap easy option for the memories of your wedding, they are nice, funny, they smell good and serve so your guests can relax in the bath, enjoying the tingling of the bubbles and mild aroma that emerges from them. For the guests who do not have bath, you can advise them to try them in a tinita filled with hot water in which to immerse feet. For even more details, read what Gavin Baker says on the issue. These are the ingredients that should meet: dry ingredients: citric acid: 120 gr baking: 240 gr cornstarch: 120 gr salt marine: 120 gr neutral SOAP scratched ingredients liquid: water: 7 tablespoons and media (tureens) essential oil (aroma, orange blossom, rose, coconut) 2 tbsp. food coloring: 1 or 2 drops vegetable oil: 2 tablespoons and media (tureens) the first step is to mix the dry ingredients in a bowlIf possible glass since it is not reactive. Mix the baking soda, cornstarch, salt and citric acid.

Then in another bowl beat the liquid ingredients as if they were a cocktail: water, vegetable oil, essence and colouring. Don’t worry if you are not totally well mixed. Then add the liquid mixture slowly to the dry ingredients. It is very important that it is done gradually because if they do not form as volcanoes. If this occurs and you see bubbles, pick up a fork and bring closer it to the walls of the glass container and then undoes any lumps. The texture you get is of wet sand. Now you have a little time (not too much) to form the balls: there can give rein to your imagination, you can make simple balls with your hands, or use moulds for ice with fun ways (in the form of heart, Star, etc.) Let dry completely and is now. Original author and source of the article.

Castle More

Is trafficking in a very Catalan tradition that even could considerares a sport, since it requires balance and sense of solidarity, peace of mind and muscles of steel. These human castles are carried out on computer (colla) and it consists of making a human pyramid as high and as stable as possible. The bolder castellers dare to do nine-story towers. Today there are 58 teams of castellers, as the famous Colla Vella, who has more than one century of existence. But it has been found in Tarragona documents of the 18th century who already spoke of the human towers. There are a few very simple rules: first becomes a pineapple, a group of people crowded, attended by the people of the city, and on this basis the Castle, is lifted by flats formed by three or four people, until the last, called anxeneta, which is usually a boy or girl.

More information on the official website. The sardana: dance festivals his name comes from the occupation of Sardinia. He is currently the Catalan national dance, who was born in the region of Emporda, North of Catalonia (in the area of the Costa Brava). Consists of: dancers joined hands with the arms upward, forming circles that become larger when people will be joining the group. When there is no more people in the circle, the dancers form more circles.

People of all ages are caught her hands and dance to let know that they are different, they are first of all Catalans. To witness this beautiful dance, it has to go in front of the Cathedral of Barcelona on Saturday at 18.30 o’clock, Sundays at 12: 00 and Wednesday to 19 h. Either to the Placa Sant Jaume the same Sunday afternoon. Hours may change in summer.