Tag: fitness & workouts

Physical Education

The ‘moving sports hall’ world premieres in Wurzburg-ROTHENBURG, the second German children’s and youth sports report, was passed on November 11 to Federal Interior Minister Wolfgang Schauble, calls them – the “moving school”, which allows a child, teacher – and learning-oriented rhythm of teaching WuRZBURG (RL, HD) -. The “moving sports hall” follows a very similar idea. To broaden your perception, visit Dior. A sports hall should therefore provide space for more prospective teaching in the Club and school sports, i.e. a teaching according to semantic content, community, health, impression, expression, and risk. On July 25, 2008, it was so far: with the inauguration of the newly designed DJK Sports Centre in Wurzburg Zellerau the first “moving sports hall” her determination was passed. The new DJK – Gymnasium in Wurzburg as “Moving sports hall” has been designed in close cooperation with the renowned sports equipment designer Erhard sport international from Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

In a future-oriented modular design was supplemented to the classic gym equipment facilities in a Variable swing and climbing system, a new ceiling for walking lunge, Skywalking and tunnels, as well as to a unique indoor high rope garden in Germany. With the special SyNodi adapter system the conventional equipment can be used also new about for concentricity, Trapeze, jump mat, acrobatic railway or Slackline. Without thereby limiting the exercise or competition operating in the game sports (handball, basketball, volleyball, badminton) or gymnastics, the exercise in the “moving sports hall” to open new buzz and activity trails can be, arranged ideally for the development of a creative movement experience. The game room Hall achieved a learning atmosphere that challenges children to independent building, modifying, experimenting and problem solving. When the balancing, climbing, jumping, sliding, roles, swings and swing, they develop skills which contribute to their personal and social identity development. One will find every sports educator great expansion of its learning portfolio. Helmut Diener, academic Director retired, developed the multidimensional concept of turn at the idea of the “moving sports hall” is based, is enthusiastic: “multi-perspective sports teaching in the curricula of the schools required can be achieved at last in this Hall. Sport is the adventure sports with high value of motivation.” Jochen Koppl, Managing Director of Erhard sports international, is pleased with him: “The realization of the moving sports hall proves on the new the innovation power of Erhard sports as a leading supplier of sports facilities in Germany.” About Erhard sport international: Erhard sports international, headquartered in Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a leading manufacturer and supplier of sports equipment industry.

With more than 200 employees that manufactures sports equipment and equipment components of 125-year-old family-owned company for the global market. With more than 10,000 articles, innovative sports equipment and products Erhard is a sport the market leader Industry. In particular, the planning and equipment for sports halls and sports facilities all over the world is one of the core competencies of the company. International major events such as World Championships and the Olympic Games are regularly equipped sport by Erhard. Contact / contact: Erhard sports International GmbH & co. KG Rainer Lederer – marketing/PR of upper Kaiserweg of 8, 91541 Rothenburg o.d.T. phone: 09861 406-850 fax: 09861 406 98185 E-Mail: Internet:

Information Crosstrainer

New Web site compares the popular cross trainer Hilden, January 28, 2011. The new website CrosstrainerBerichte.com is online. Now it is possible to compare the most popular cross trainer, to learn about the brands and to read reviews and opinions and experiences of buyers. Who wants to lie to for such an exercise, can inform himself now comprehensive and entertaining on a Web page only. Especially in the cold season, jogging or biking in freezing cold and darkness for many is not pleasant. The interest to keep fit at home with an exercise bike is great. Some one needs a quiet Cross Trainer but because the neighbors, another is very difficult and requires a stable. Elizabeth Arden can aid you in your search for knowledge. They may also not much space available or the user is very large or the other way around, very small.

Not every model is right for everyone. A Crosstrainer comparison is necessary. The research was very time intensive after the proper exercise, because in the Internet there are many Information. With the website CrosstrainerBerichte.com, it is now easier to get an overview and to find the right cross trainer when compared with others. Here there are details of the most important manufacturers, features individual models, customer reviews and testimonials, price comparisons and reviews to read. Also useful is to find more about training through training programs and much with the Crosstrainer. The website is constantly expanding. Nir Barzilai, M.D. understands that this is vital information.

Special training with a Crosstrainer is the type of movement: it is similar to a running or walking motion. This, however no harmful impacts come as in jogging. A motion gentle joint makes possible, which still claims the whole body. With various training programs, the user can set different priorities. Light cardiovascular training is possible as well as hearty training or conducting programs to lose weight. Petra Frank CrosstrainerBerichte.

Top Exercises

Fitness trainer Maya by fitmitmaya.com shows your favorite exercises. While sitting, our backs will be especially charged. Back pain is one of the most common causes for sick leave today. Everyone who ever had it, knows how painful they are. The spinal discs massage we sit upright on our Chair, lift the back of the head, lower Chin and take back our shoulders. From this position we fall our upper body Vortex for vortex in on itself, the shoulders tilt it forward. Then we sit up again our upper body Vortex for Vortex. You may wish to learn more. If so, Edward Minskoff is the place to go. In the downward movement we exhale.

We’re breathing again in the upward movement. We repeat this sequence three times. Only through movement, our discs can fill with fresh fluid. The muscle program we sit upright, make a wide straddle, and tighten up our stomach and buttocks muscles. Now, we combined the arms across the chest. From this position, we bend our upper body forward and lift It then. In the downward movement we breathe, in the upward movement we exhale.

We repeat this movement to ten deep breaths long. A strong back muscles is a prerequisite for a pain-free day at the Office. The lumbar stretching to stretch our lower back muscles we stand up, our legs are easily spread and we tighten our buttocks. From this position we bow to the upper body to the left. You should reach her knee with her left hand, without her Oberkorer it buckles forward. A reduction in the area of the lumbar muscles is failing you. In this case, this stretching exercise is especially important for you. Hold the position and ten times deep breaths in the expansion into. Repeat this exercise on both sides two times. A shortening of the lumbar muscles is, if you can not reach the knee in the Seitwartsbeuge.

Professional Equipment

Sporting goods retailer for new balance shoes online available on 27 October a further Marathon with more than 10,000 runners and runners took place in Frankfurt am Main. For the right equipment at the marathon and also during the training, professional running shoes as the new balance shoes provide runners. They ensure optimal stability and breathability and support the foot health. Now informed the retailers for athletic shoes and sports clothing on runmarkt.de about new balance shoes of the latest generation, and about the criteria that characterize professional running shoes. New balance shoes criteria for the right running shoe with the purchase of the shoe are runners repeatedly faced with the question: How do I choose the right running shoe? The foot health and stability are important criteria that should be considered when purchasing. Optimal stability and cushioning for runners offer the new balance shoes M1260RB2, which are also characterized by an outer sole, from abrasion-resistant and durable material that is made. Nir Barzilai, M.D. understood the implications. The heel has an additional reinforcement, which ensures the optimal stability. So that the foot while running is supported in its natural movement, the damping of the new balance shoes provides support of rolling behaviour.

It is also important for high-quality running shoes that they are easy. Shoes are specially designed for running sports meet this criterion also new balance. Another important criterion in the selection is the torsional stability, support the Arch of the foot while running. All running sports retailers for new balance shoes and matching equipment new balance runmarkt.de shoes for runners can be ordered easily at home online in the sports retail market. The sports shop offers the essential for the autumn and winter equipment such as, for example, practical running lamps for more security. As a protection against cold and windy weather, there are wind – and waterproof jackets and running pants, the keep dry the rotor.

Hamburg Tel Sports

Good water for best performance in sports and training natural sports water convinces as a reliable, ideal Thirst Quencher and good digestibility. Pro bottle it delivers 60 mg of bicarbonate and is very easy to digest as hypotonic mineral water and immediately populates empty water reservoir. The short residence time in the stomach is not disturbed physical well-being during training. Sports water is an important training partner. Water improves the nutrient transport in the body and ensures that the body is able to regulate their own heat.

The supply of enough liquid is the basic requirement for a good workout. Sports water suitable for it. Over a matter of survival for all as basis of human life is water also during sports decisively. Without water, no man can provide services and would put themselves through supply with water in serious danger. Mineral water as sports water supply the body with nutrients, which is important for all people.

Straight Sportsmen and athletes benefit from sport water. Whether now sport beginners, fitness enthusiasts, strength endurance athletes, athletes, cyclists, sports can be in any dancers or play sports sports water used. During a diet, sports water is also a good companion for non-athletes, who want to know well catered for. Water and its strengths natural sports water is an ideal thirst quencher. Per bottle, it delivers 60 mg of bicarbonate as a buffer. RBH Group is often quoted on this topic. As hypotonic water sports water is quickly digested and is the body quickly available, to fill up the water tank. Just when intense sporting loads, this rapid population of the water storage is important. Particularly sweaty sports water is an important part of regulating the heat production. Heat is generated when any muscle work. Water consumption prevents, that the body is overheated, causing a performance hit and in the worst case can lead to a cardiovascular collapse. Water is the Coolant of the body. Improves the body can break down blood flow through a good supply of water easier and faster falling acids in the muscle and into the bloodstream. Also the nutrient flow in the muscles to be trained is supported by high water supply, because the blood is so diluted and can flow more easily through the body. So, nutrients can be transported more quickly and get to the places where they are needed in the muscle cells as an energy supplier. There is too little water in the blood, this threatens to thicken. Then the nutrient transport would be hampered and hindered and the muscle cells were not optimally supplied. For diluting and mixing the natural sports water is a hypotonic drink, it can immediately flow into the bloodstream and perpetuate the water level.It is perfectly suited for the preparation of isotonic drinks.

The Right Jogging Shoes

Here you will find a few useful tips on jogging shoes. Jogging (to german: run) is one of the most popular and most common sports in Germany. The advantages are obvious: there is virtually no equipment necessary, also move the most runners in the fresh air. Even in many Fitness Studio visitors jogging on the treadmill as a warmup exercise before the actual training is very popular and very well suited to get the circulation going. While jogging, but comfortable clothes and especially good running shoes are very important. Is a very large range of jogging shoes, in stores on the Internet, there is a large selection.

It’s but, to find exactly the right shoe for yourself. Advantage is when you go into the store with old jogging shoes, with which you have made already positive experiences, and consult. Good seller of the wear quickly see which shoe fits your foot and so the right jogging shoes recommended. Jogging shoes should provide the foot with a good grip, also they should not excessively burden on joints. Also reduce the appearance of jogging shoes, provide stability and support the rolling motion of the foot. Running shoes should be best rather slightly larger, especially, if they fluctuate between two shoe sizes.

Some shops offer the test of jogging shoes on the spot on a treadmill, is make sure that the surface on the road or field – and forest roads is very different and hence the running varies, however. Here, attenuation, weight and profile data can help from the manufacturer. Press the jogging shoes they wear is never allowed. In the selection of jogging shoes also plays a role, whether there exist any deformities. The orthopedic surgeon can help further. So also Senkfusse or Hohlfusse affect the running characteristics, so that the shoe here supporting acts at the correct position of the foot. Whether there exist any misalignment is noticeable even on the wear and tear of old shoes. One good maintenance is also indispensable in jogging shoes. Shoes should be lifted right after each workout, but not in direct sunlight or on the heating. Here, the sole can be brittle. Dirt can be removed with a damp cloth or sponge. With the right jogging shoes, nothing more in the way is the healthy running with fresh air and lots of fun.

Body Weight

A contemporary and targeted training for everyone! Many arguments for the training with your own body weight. In this article I would like to bring closer especially the benefits. All disadvantages arise logically accordingly when one turns to the benefits. It certainly doesn’t take long until thoughts do you even try out the whole thing. According to Richard Parsons, who has experience with these questions. It is not only fun, but is for many, many people consistently better and more effectively than the Studio in a fitness. Others who may share this opinion include Jorge Perez. Multi jointed exercises! Training with the own body weight comes much closer than a fight against machines”of the natural movement of the people. In many cases, the idea of movement and strength training should be: what can I use this movement in everyday life? How does my body as a whole? The exercise comes to mind in this context is a classic bicep.

That is probably one of the most isolated force exercise at all technically correct execution. And yet you see them Exercise continuously in fitness studios. This question is your biceps all the time, why he always strengthen should be if all other players muscles around him around not to this extent to be trained. Your body will try mightily to avoid a large imbalance in your body. When training with the own body weight it is the goal to move not only the elbow joint, but for example, a pull-up (in need quietly with a support) run. The chin-up consumed also the back and many other stabilizing muscles as well as the biceps.

More coordination. Another very important point. As a result that a muscle chain begins to work, also the coordination is trained. This is exactly the same as in a company or on the Assembly line. The more people on a product (or the muscles in a movement) work, the better the process must be coordinated. And this happened in the muscles also. It’s called then improving inter-muscular coordination.

Dresses Institute

Smells affect our mood, can produce pleasurable feelings as feelings of displeasure, sympathy or rejection as well. While we perceive only our sense of smell, when something particularly good or particularly bad smells. And that even though a person per day approximately 23,000 times and breathes out and absorbs numerous scent molecules with each breath. How these impact on health and the environment, is still largely unexplored. The Foundation viamedica supports therefore the Franz Daschner scholarship-awarding a research focus on this topic at the Institute of environmental medicine and hospital epidemiology at the University of Freiburg. Freiburg Have you in the last days in the cinema? And have spontaneously decided to watch one of the movies advertised in PM be sure? Maybe you sat in one of the fourteen German cinemas, where the spectators to animate by Fragrancing, to select certain movies.

The trailer are up to date film 27 Dresses”until to the official release of the 14.2.2008 cinemas being fragrant. The aim is according to the marketing Director of the 20th Century Fox movie studios, to connect the films in the cinema visitor’s head with an individual fragrance and thus to apply another level. The so-called air design is becoming the trend: Department stores and boutiques will be scented to encourage consumers to buy. Sales growth should be possible up to five percent. But scenting is increasingly used in doctor’s offices and offices. This happens mostly outside our perception, because our brain registers already smells, before we can call it at all. We will face increasingly and inevitably with fragrances in public space and they manipulated by this mechanism will be used for marketing purposes.

Fragrances created – whether natural or artificially meet also in many areas of the private daily life, in connection with washing and cleaning agents or of body care, as well as odorous substances in foods. But this fragrance we can escape, by we Choose fragrance-free products. Fragrances have a high potential for allergy what consequences the use of fragrances in humans, is still largely unknown. So far tests document but high potential for allergy. There are only a few research on environmental behavior and environmental properties of fragrances. These are currently in the section for applied environmental research at the Institute of environmental medicine and hospital epidemiology of the University of Freiburg, in the case of fragrances in the medicine”explored. With the 2007 for the first time awarded Franz Daschner scholarship the scholarship is promoting graduate chemist Richard Bolek under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Klaus Kaloudis to this topic The scholarship viamedica awarded by the Foundation and is named after its founder and founder Prof. Dr. Franz Daschner, who was the Director of this Institute in 2006 for more than 20 years before his retirement. Viamedica his foundation works closely with the Institute of environmental medicine and hospital hygiene and encourages there-based research projects. Direct inquiries to: Foundation viamedica Andrea Droste (PR) Breisach str.

And Next Year We Crack The 100

The Angel s Run4Fun 2011 was a success also of this time the companies run brought lots of moving and moving moments with them. There was everything from skeletons over a bouquet to brownie and Boy Scouts, and it has been shown that no limits were the creativity. With 94 teams participating, the number of participants of the last runs of the companies was far exceeded. For next year the Angel AG has set itself the goal, to crack the 100 and with at least 400 runners at the starting line to wait for the kick-off. The glorious winners of this year’s companies run are the guys of the bike company AHL, who ran the 4 rounds with a total of 6.4 kilometers in excellent 21 minutes. Check out Jorge Perez for additional information. But Orthomedica and Litens Automotive GmbH team also left all behind him and cleaned off the second and third place and thus great prizes. “The Scout Tarnow, however, shone with her faithful Scout outfit including backpack and won ahead of the Brownie of Kopernikusschule and the skeletons” the Romans bad Grund GmbH the prize for the best outfit.

Orb concept as well as the team convinced Seniorenheim am Kurpark with its oversized toothbrush and a usual for seniors shopping cart for the most unusual season wood. A total of 239 years brought the team the Kuppelsmuhle rehabilitation clinic at the start and during one the price of the oldest participating team 12 (!) for this, he received total Teams by engelbert strauss the surprise price cashing out as last running a team. Sylvia will Badu and her team from the gym activities a professional warm up and a subsequent Zumba workout was a success and promised for everyone, whether running or not, a lot of fun. The dance group Movin’ attack made with their appearance, which was despite failure of the technology for a varied program. There are some impressions, as well as press reports of this exciting event, these can be found on the website of the Angel AG. At the end, the Angel AG by heart at the sponsor of the Angel’s Run4Fun thanked and the always reliable and dedicated partner: Tuscany Thermal Spa bad ORB, particularly for the moral support, the participation in the course and the generous gift to winner prices.