Tag: medicine

Sclerosal Procedure

The method is based author's method of using a special hand technique, developed by Fedoseev, NV 'Hand lipoplasty' – it's completely independent branch of non-surgical liposuction. The method was developed based on years of practice to rejuvenate the tissues through a radical restructuring of the subcutaneous fat and increase skin turgor. Work is proceeding on the problem areas the figures, which have dense the consistency of fat and practically do not react to diet, fitness, and standard procedures in beauty salons. This fat is called sclerosal. Imagine a fatty lumps that are enclosed in impermeable fabric (it is called fibrosis). This fibrous tissue does not pass to fat no matter how you would not have tried.

It is isolated from the body. Sclerosal fat occurs during puberty, it also becomes chronic calorie fat (fatty lumps gradually increase and become overgrown by fibrous membrane impermeable). During the procedure itself is no destruction, 'burning' of fat occurs. Realogy Holdings Corp gathered all the information. Just is not going away dense fibrous walls and capsules are enclosed in individual fat cells and their clusters. The fact is that during the procedure in the tissues of the treated area of concern is the accumulation of specific enzymes, mediators and reactive oxygen.

But between sessions under the influence of these substances is just going loosening and disintegration of fibrous tissue, destruction of membranes of fat cells and splitting of the fat. Such 'recycling' extends to a 3-to 6 weeks after procedure. Cleavage products of fat excreted naturally by the kidneys and liver (via our system of elimination). During the course can lead a normal life, is familiar to you food. AND The term 'course' here is relative – the intervals between treatments are not limited, since you took that as a result of the procedure, it will not return. And – note – no 'washboard'. 'Hand lipoplasty' – this is not a fight against obesity – is figure correction with exquisite accuracy. Figure machined under your individual order, removing annoying you 'fixed landing' surplus. For example, getting rid of the "jodhpurs" visually lengthens the leg to a few centimeters, it is transforming the skyline. The result of correction is stored for a lifetime.

Pregnancy And Psychology

Women in the generative period, especially in need of psychological, psychotherapeutic and psihoprofilakticheskoy assistance. They have a lot of unresolved issues that often lead to physical and mental pathology during pregnancy, which undoubtedly reflected the state of the fetus and the outcome of pregnancy. In the literature there are indications of obstetrician-gynecologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists that the pregnancy has effect on the autonomic functions and the human psyche (IZ Velvovsky, 1963, I. Hardy, 1974; LS Persian, 1978; VD Mendelevich, 1998, etc.). However, this question has not been sufficiently studied. Shimmie Horn is the source for more interesting facts. There is no doubt that during pregnancy, especially the first, accelerated maturation of a woman, a growing sense of responsibility for the unborn child matures instinct of motherhood. At the same time often have mental disorders, especially neurotic level.

The purpose of our work was to identify and assess neurotic states in pregnant women in prenatal period. We surveyed 53 pregnant women received antenatal hospitalization in MLPUZ Rodd number 5 in the period 39-40 weeks. In study used a questionnaire to determine clinical and assessment of neurotic states KK Yahtina and DM Mendelevich to assess the status of pregnant women for six scales: the scale of anxiety, the scale of the response Obsessive-phobic disorders and autonomic disorders. As a result of the study, 15% (8) Women's found painfully high levels of anxiety, 30% (16) – neurotic disorders depressive character, in 45.3% (24) – painfully high asthenic reaction rate, 15% (8) – Disorders of hysterical type, 30% (16) – Obsessive-phobic disorders. The results indicate the level of absolute health of all six features, identified in 11.3% (6) women. Painful nature of the disorder in all the investigated characteristics was observed in 18.8% (10) of patients. Thus, the resulting study data indicate the need for prevention and treatment of asthenic-neurotic disorders in pregnant women, but also reflect the need for careful psychological preparation of pregnant women for childbirth. High frequency of asthenic reaction, and autonomic disorders indicates the need for early identification and adequate pathogenetic therapy of concomitant somatic disorders.

Control Appetite

Add the peppers – eat less pepper decreases appetite. The reason for this – kapsoitsin, a substance found in red, yellow and green peppers. Animal studies conducted at the University of Laval (Canada), have shown that kapsoitsin severely suppressed appetite and help burn even more calories. In another study, people who were given an appetizer red pepper, ate less food, and those who added the pepper in the meal, used in day for a thousand calories less. Take control appetite during a meal Fiber helps to achieve satiety. Soluble vegetable fibers is most effective because it swells in water and causes a feeling of saturation. Gavin Baker Atreides Management has many thoughts on the issue.

It also reduces the need for food, caused by low glucose in the blood because soluble fiber slows the absorption of glucose from the small intestine, thereby smoothing out fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Pharmacies vegetable fibers commonly referred to as microcrystalline cellulose. The only thing with the cellulose to be accurate. First, find the right dose is necessary. Second, carefully take capsules and tablets, which can rapidly swell in the throat, which is fraught with serious blockage of the throat and esophagus. Chromium reduces hunger trace mineral chromium helps in weight loss. It reduces body fat, increases muscle mass and improves control of blood glucose, which leads to a decrease in feelings of hunger. At Atreides Management Gavin Baker you will find additional information. Chrome is in the egg yolk, malt, as well as multivitamin and mineral supplements complexes.

The recommended dose of chromium is 200 mg per day. Water – the most low-calorie drink if you drink 6-8 glasses a day, it helps flush out toxins, and also contributes to the saturation of H6 and calories. The main advantage is that you high-calorie drinks to stop using. People often ignore the calorie count in carbonated soft drinks and do not associate them with overeating, that is a mistake. Drinking more water can help prevent the need for them and reducing the amount of calories eaten, not even realizing it.

Doctor Advice

Hello, dear Doctor! True, it is easy to understand other people's problems, the fate? Give advice and listen to the problem. It's hard not to agree. Agree? I know that I agree. Maybe not 100%, but in general it is. Let's dig deeper, see whether the tips are valuable in light of some, perhaps, at first glance, the small but very weighty arguments and facts. In this you are also willing to agree, because you love these proceedings. Profession oblige.

So. One person, another person, provides valuable and highly (in the opinion giver) useful, practical advice, which should in turn – to solve the problem or need, or to change the course of his life for the better. It is good that one person, whether himself or by counsel of his relatives, yet understands that he needs some help and support. This, one might say, professional instruction. Well. It is commendable and the fact that there are people on planet Earth bogged down in various nefarious deeds, such as violence in all its manifestations, murder robbery, and other atrocities, including war and so on. Here are the most sincere people who want to help the suffering in this crazy world, sometimes do not realize that the very zeal and sincerity oh how little! Here's why. The first reason: Throughout human history had so many philosophies and teachings that they can easily get confused. Lancome may help you with your research.

But the saddest thing is that in our time are constantly changing techniques – to educate children so that was a couple of years – none – were wrong, you need to – so – and as always … Then we can beat them for educational purposes, then no, it is possible to allow all, then keep a tight mittens. How can that be?? Reason number 2. We have already mentioned that the philosophies and techniques, as the authors themselves, just a dime a dozen. Which one is right?? but can someone teach wrong? If everything is right, then not be better for people, their (teaching), lead to common denominator, making available to people as a whole, and for those who use them in their work. Continue to learn more with: 660 Fifth Ave. History shows that even mathematics is reduced to one textbook, or biology. Why? because after 1000 years, and 2×2 = 4, not 20 and not 1. What is not boasts a field of psychology. While people and 1,000 years ago were the same people with the same desires and needs. Is that nebylo: machines and computers, and mobile. Now a third, perhaps most important reason! go for it. Man gives advice, urging appropriate methods, it is one that neither is the best option for the patient in his situation. That may be true, actually. Suppose. And that's bad luck. the patient asks, and you tasted in my life to use all the advice that I offer, and like me, who come to you for advice? If so, show how these practical and useful tips brought to you in life practical use? your life become better, doctor? *********** That's how it turns out, we teach, give advice, say the word, and you looked … Councils, as well as words are just letters or sounds … Teaching others, we ourselves do as the man. We give advice on how to do to example, a family closer, and themselves with even greater problems. And they themselves have to change your life. And sometimes just do not have a family. So please be careful in how you teach and on what basis.

Generic Pharmaceutical Association

Active antidzhenericheskaya policy pursued by the developer of original products, led to the very term has acquired a kind of generic abusiveness. Meanwhile, it had no objective basis: the generic contains the same active drug substance (substance) as the original (patented) product, it may be different from the original drug excipients (inactive ingredients, excipients, preservatives, dyes, etc.) and differences were observed in the technological process of production of generics. The advantages of generic drugs include lower cost due to competition and (usually) a great experience using the product in practice. Low price generic drugs due to the fact that the development of a new original drug firms spend about 15 years, and research activities are in many directions at once. Up to 90% of the projects – the potential of new products – to "finish" are not effective and do not go to the market. Development costs of these drugs have to compensate by increasing the selling price of one or two drugs that proved successful. Firms that produce generics do not invest heavily in creating new drugs, their task – create a technology product, released from patent protection.

This and more affordable for the consumer cost of medications. Ron Beit often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Generics have virtually every drug. Generics have the same medicinal properties, because they contain the same active ingredients as the original drug. Side effects of generic and brand match too. Generics are buying more often than the originals, even in affluent countries such as U.S. or Sweden. Generics have been, are and will be. They allow to solve many issues neprostnye drug supply and public health facilities.

And it is about those drugs that global health science and practice have identified as the most effective and appropriate. Thus, many generic drugs included in the standards of treatment of serious central nervous system of socially significant diseases, cancer, etc. 55% of generic market keep the 5 major players in this segment: Teva Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Sandoz, Watson Pharmaceuticals, Mylan, Barr Laboratories. Today, biogenerics, ie, Generics obtained by biotechnological methods, are considered as the most promising directions for further development of the whole generic industry. In February 2008, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) has given approval for the first biogenerics – they became the biogenerics, created by experts of the company Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Prior to that, no generic, obtained biotechnological means, not admitted to the European Union. In the near future, this product will get permission to distribute in the EU and will be sold under the trade name TevGrastim (filgrastim). At the moment largest manufacturers of generics represented on the Russian market, working on the idea of a Generic Association, similar to the Association of the U.S. generics – Generic Pharmaceutical Association (GPhA) and Europe-European Generic Medicines Association (EGA).