Welt Plants

The change of food stop and periods of normal eating is as “intermittent fasting” or “Interval fasting” (IF) Berlin (10.5.2013). The change of food stop and periods of normal eating is known as “intermittent fasting” or “Interval fasting” (IF). Credit: Herbert Stein-2011. For more than 60 years, it’s clear that interval fasting at a wide variety of animal species, as well as the people has considerable – beneficial – effects on health (examples: stress resistance, improved performance of the cardio-vascular system or brain, prevention and reduction of age-related restrictions, increased radiation resistance, prevention of major diseases of civilization like the adult diabetes and–most importantly–a significantly increased life expectancy). Regular voluntary refusal of food for one day a week with naturopathic support is one of the easiest ways for a sustainable health care, it is said at the trade portal of medicinal plants Welt.de in a basics post 1. For many people an attractive side effect: interval fasting is one of the most effective measures for effective weight loss without the yo-yo effect. Voluntary intermittent fasting works so so easily because it recreates one of the most fundamental and most natural nutritional conditions in almost all mammals: namely the phases of a short-term shortage of food in alternating with periods of normal food supply. Then the living beings in the course of evolution have built up very well.

Today, there are so many programs anchored in the genetic material (chromosomes) to the natural and optimal adjustment of metabolism on lack phase. That temporary voluntary refusal of food in addition to health and life-extending acts, like also the about 100th show with medical fasting, is so established that temporary withdrawal of food is evolutionarily normal and indispensable as stimulus of our health and self healing power. Sustained food intake and lack hunger or thirst as it belongs to everyday life in the rich industrialized countries, on the other hand creates many foundations for great civilization diseases such as adult diabetes, high blood pressure, or rheumatism. Source 1 Kaden M: interval fasting: the option for healthy weight and long life. Bicomplexe medicinal plants Welt.de, Berlin, 14 may 2013 (full text: bicomplexe.heilpflanzen-welt.de/Aktuelles/201305-Intervall-Fasten–Die-Option-fuer-gesundes-Gewicht-und-langes-Leben.htm). Additional information this press release, with kind recommendations from “Medicinal plants Welt.de – the world of medicinal plants”, Germany’s oldest (since 1992) and relevantester website for phytotherapy.

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