Stefan Buchner in the interview with > personalmagazin > titled \”Stress and burnout\” round three million people are considered in Germany at risk from burnout. A part of the management task is to protect you from. But far too few leaders have the appropriate skills. Stress is defined as the physical, psychological, and biochemical reaction of the body to requests that can not cope with the available resources and options for action. \”People react with stress, if they can not cope requests, for example if strategies are missing or inadequate resources available\”, explains Dr.
Stefan Hey of the House of competence at the University of Karlsruhe. Well dosed and temporary stress is not unhealthy. On the contrary: stress reactions of the body allow the people to mobilize their reserves of power within a few seconds. However, the stress extends over a longer period of time, it can affect the health. Therefore, it is generally distinguished between two types of stress: Eustress (from Greek eu = good) and distress (from Latin dis = bad).
\”Eustress motivates and inspires to greater performance. Distress leads to anxiety and can cause long-term physical ailments such as high blood pressure, muscle tension, or susceptibility to infection\”, says Dr. Stefan Hey. One of the most serious consequences of chronic stress is the Burnout Syndrome. Ill are in a State of physical, mental and spiritual exhaustion, and have no more energy for everyday tasks. In particular in the service sector, employees with much client contact, Burnout is expanding increasingly. But also in human resources: according to a study by the University of Hagen nearly one-third of the surveyed staff Manager of Burnout are affected. The study authors to see a reason for the high risk of Burnout that employees are increasingly transcend the human capital. In addition, a low employee orientation, bureaucratic obstacles and a lack of lead Decision-making powers to increased loads on the HR.